Winning Bets is FuN

3 min readNov 14, 2022


Do you cosider Betting to be a fun and interesting game? Well, It’s also happens to be one of the most popular games in the world. The fact that participants have the chance to double and even triple their stakes makes it even more alluring. Betting has been around for centuries and people from all over the world have been betting on different events since the start of time.

But why do we bet? What is the point of it? And how can we increase our chances to win bets? Betticos is here to help try to answer these questions with you, especially how to increase winning chances. So let’s get started!

First and foremost every good bet placer needs a strategy. What is the strategy you need to follow?
A good strategy for winning bets is to choose your betting options wisely. You need to know what kind of event you want to bet on, how much money you want to spend, and what odds you want to place for them to be profitable. More often than not the more you know about the game the better your chances. There is however always an element of luck. Its one the reasons the game is so exciting. There is no better strategy than betting what you can risk losing only, don’t go betting your house and livelihood away. Pick a game, select a team and then place your bet.

To increase your winning chances, you need to try what I call copy betting. Here you simply copy the bet of a serial winner who wins more bets than he/she losses. In these situations your chances of winning are improved significantly. Imagine a platform were you can rank serial winners and have access to their bet slips once you follow them. On Betticos we call such people oddsters. Oddsters share their bet slips with followers regularyly as well as share the results of their weekly bets so you know how they are faring.

What is Betticos?

Bettico is blokchains 1st social betting platform where you can place safe secure bets whilst engaging in live bunters, competitions with friends and so much more. Bettico will offer a safe and fun place for you to bet with your friends, family, co-workers and even strangers. We want to change the way people think about betting by giving them a new experience and allowing them to enjoy their hobby without having to worry about losing money or being scammed. If you’re looking for a new way to make money from what you love doing, Bettico can help!

How does it work?
1) Create a Bettico account using your email address/facebook or any other of the easy registration means provided. Remember to keep your password private.

2) Go to P2P betting found in the menu bar to place your bet.

3) Ensure you have the required funds (that is the amount of funds you will like to stake)in your wallet to place your bet.

4) Play by choosing the event you want to bet and the team you want to stake on. Then select how much you want to bet per event.

5) Get notified when there’s an opportunity for you to win!

FuN FacT, did you know that with bettico p2p events if there is no winner both parties get their funds back minus the small service charges. This means your winning chances are as high as they can get on Betticos.

That being said, Once you’ve got a little money in your pocket, it’s time to start thinking about what kinds of bets you want to take part in. If you’re just starting out with betting, we suggest focusing on lower stakes bets like $10 or under because they’re easier for beginners who aren’t familiar with how much money they should be risking on each bet.

There will be a Part 2 were we delve deeper into how to win, stay tunned…

Register with Betticos ( and stand a chance to be one off the winners.




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