The ultimate guide to Web3

A complete Beginner’s guide to Web3.0

Web3 Developer Clubs
4 min readMay 12, 2022

You’ve probably heard about Web3 unless you’ve been living under a rock. Web 3.0 is the next big step in the web’s growth and it aims to make the web more intelligent than ever before. Before learning about web3 lets go through the web’s evolution first.

Over the last couple of years, the web has developed extensively, bringing with it new strategies, tools and ideas. Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 are the typical names that we’ve come to know and master, now let’s go about each stage.

Web 1.0

It is the first stage in the evolution of the web which is referred as the-only read-web. Web 1.0 websites were not as dynamic or as interactive as they are now. The primary goal of the websites was to make information be available to the general public, as servers were improved, average connection speeds accelerated & developers gained new skills, expertise and techniques.

Web 2.0

It is the second stage in the evolution of the web, which is also referred as the read-write web, it is a better version of the first worldwide web, marked by the shift from static to dynamic or user generated content as well as the rise of social media platforms such as twitter & Pinterest.

Web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript frameworks such as ReactJs, VueJs & AngularJs enables developers to come with new concepts allowing users to contribute to this social web.

Now that you have a good grasp about what the web is all about through it’s evolution let’s get into web3.

Web 3.0

It is the third stage in the evolution of the web which refers to the read-write-execute stage which is the future of the web. In this era Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning enables computers to understand and conceptualize data the same way as humans do, it is the rise of the Metaverse.

Web3 applications known as Decentralized applications(dApps) operating autonomously through the use of Smart contracts running on decentralized blockchain system networks such as NEAR and Cello. These networks are developed, operated and maintained by their users rather than by a business, they self organize and don’t have a single point of failure.

You’ll notice that when you hear about web3, cryptocurrencies are mostly mentioned, these is because many of these protocols include cryptocurrencies , anyone who wishes to help, control or improve one of the projects is given cash incentives in form of tokens.

These protocols provide a wide range of services such as computation, storage, bandwidth, identification and other online services previously supplied by cloud service providers.

What makes Web3 so unique

Web 3’s major benefit is that it seeks to solve the main issue resulting from Web2 which is the gathering of personal data by private networks which is subsequently sold to marketers or stolen by cyber hackers for their own economical benefit.

Web3’s network runs on a decentralized platform , meaning it’s not controlled by a single organization , and the decentralized applications created on top of these protocols are open.

Properties of Web 3.0

The following are three key attributes that can help us define web3.

Semantic Web

One of the key elements of web3 is ‘semantic web’, it enhances online technologies by allowing users to create, connect and share content via search and analysis based on the ability to understand the meaning of words rather than keywords.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence & semantics are the two cornerstones of web3 by combining this capacity with Natural language processing , web3 allows computers to comprehend materials in the same way as humans resulting in quicker & relevant results. To meet the demands of users, they grow increasingly intelligent.

3D graphics

3d graphics is widely used by websites and services in web3 such as online games, e-commerce websites and portfolio sites, here is an example by quboafrica

What is web3.Js

The Web3.Js library is the primary JavaScript library you’ll use while creating web3 applications. Web3.Js is a set of libraries that you use on an HTTP or IPC connection to communicate with. You can access user accounts, send transactions & communicate with smart contracts among other things.

Web3.Js is one of the main frameworks used in designing dApps.


That is it for this article. I hope you found this article useful, if you need any help please let me know in the comment section.

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👋 Thanks for reading, See you next time.



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