The Evolution of AI Computing and the Emergence of Decentralized Platforms Ventures
5 min readApr 15, 2024


Jack from Ventures


The AI market grew rapidly in the last year, and the cloud computing market grew with it by providing computing resources for AI companies. This growth is driven by increasing demand across multiple industries like healthcare and finance that are looking for scalable, cost-effective and advanced AI capabilities, as well as demand for AI services that reduce operating expenses and enhance business operations.

Integrating AI into cloud computing platforms makes advanced computing power more accessible and affordable for users, benefiting small and medium-sized companies in particular by reducing the need for expensive hardware and allowing them to operate on a more cost-effective basis. Giant tech companies including Google, Microsoft and Amazon are enhancing their cloud services to provide more sophisticated capabilities to support wider AI business from data analysis to improving customer service solutions.

In the rapidly growing market, the highly centralized system and data security issues in the original cloud computing market have been exposed, and the decentralized computing market for AI business has gradually come from behind the scenes to in front of the stage.

With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology and the continuous integration of artificial intelligence with various cloud-based applications, the future prospects of the computing power market serving artificial intelligence are broad. This article will discuss the current artificial intelligence computing power market situation and the future development trend of the decentralized computing power market.

Importance of Computing Market

Cloud computing undoubtedly plays a vital role in the advancement of the AI industry. By deploying AI to cloud computing, the scalability and flexibility of the AI development process are greatly expanded. This accessibility is critical for training machine learning models, which require extensive computing resources to efficiently process large data sets. At the same time, cloud environments allow AI systems to access and analyze large amounts of data without requiring up-front investment in expensive local infrastructure.

Cost-efficiency is another significant advantage that cloud computing brings to accelerate the AI market growth. Through the design of renting resources on demand, GPU as a service (GPUaaS) eliminates the large initial hardware investment in GPU and other hardwares that AI companies previously made, greatly reducing the cost redundancy and the need for additional overhead of managing physical hardware. Allowing companies to invest more resources in AI training and development.

In addition, cloud computing enhances AI capabilities through services such as automated machine learning platforms provided by major cloud providers such as AWS SageMaker, Azure Machine Learning, and Google Cloud AutoML. These softwares provided by cloud computing platforms simplify the deployment of AI models and ensure their smooth integration into existing business processes. They also enable management of the entire machine learning lifecycle, from building and training models to deployment and monitoring, which is critical to maintaining the performance of AI systems in production.

Challenges of Original Computing Market

While cloud computing has greatly enhanced AI development capabilities by providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions, it is not without its challenges. The most notable of these is data privacy and security. Since AI systems handle large amounts of data, often sensitive and non-public in nature, ensuring data privacy and security in the cloud is critical. Data in public cloud environments is stored and processed alongside data from other entities, potentially increasing the risk of breaches. Additionally, AI processes may amplify these risks by accessing and analyzing sensitive data in environments that may not be fully compliant with strict data privacy regulations.

The second is that current cloud services typically charge based on the amount of computing power, storage and network resources consumed, although this reduces the upfront hardware investment cost, which can vary significantly with increasingly intensive AI workloads. This variability can make budgeting difficult, expenses can vary widely, and companies sometimes face unexpectedly high expenses.

Integrating cloud services with existing infrastructure and effectively managing it can also be complex for organizations without enough cloud expertise. Deploying AI models in the cloud requires careful planning around data integration, model training, and deployment architecture, which can be a daunting task for teams new to cloud technology.

Why Decentralization is Important

In order to cope with these challenges, the importance of decentralized computing platforms for the future development of the AI industry has increased. One of the key reasons is that decentralized computing can greatly enhance the privacy and security of data used in AI training by ensuring that sensitive information is processed locally and only aggregated insights or model updates are shared online. This approach significantly reduces the risk of data leakage and enhances user trust, and has unique advantages in responding to increasingly stringent regulatory policies. At the same time, various data sources can be used more effectively to reduce the inherent bias of artificial intelligence models.

In addition, the blockchain technology applied in the decentralized computing platform supports a more secure and transparent operating and managing system compared to Big Techs, establishing a trustworthy environment for individuals and small to medium-sized enterprises. They are not only consumers, but also important components in the entire platform, which is able to capture the additional benefits of AI development. This improves current collaborative approaches to AI development, and acts more ethically by supporting transparency and inclusivity.

Overall, decentralized computing platforms may be able to redefine the paradigm of AI development, making the process more accessible, secure, and efficient. They are at the forefront of a technological revolution that promises to democratize AI development and more fully harness its potential.

Notable Decentralized Computing Platform

Bittensor, Golem and are three well-known decentralized computing platforms that have made significant progress in the field of artificial intelligence training:


Bittensor provides a decentralized network specifically designed to democratize AI training capabilities. By leveraging blockchain technology, it creates a unique ecosystem where users can contribute computing power and earn tokens in return for their contributions. The system ensures that AI training can be scaled using the collective power of numerous computers distributed around the world, without the need for central control. Bittensor’s platform is designed to support a wide range of AI capabilities from model training to real-time inference, making it a versatile tool for developers and companies looking to leverage decentralized AI.


Golem is a decentralized computing power marketplace where users can buy and sell excess CPU and GPU computing resources. The platform is designed to make vast amounts of underutilized computing power in data centers and personal computers available for tasks that require intensive computing resources, such as AI model training, 3D rendering, or complex scientific calculations. By connecting users who need these resources with users who have them, Golem provides a cost-effective, scalable, and accessible way to perform demanding computing tasks. This setup not only helps make the AI development process more democratic, but also more efficient and less expensive. is a state-of-the-art distributed computing network built on, allowing AI developers to access distributed cloud clusters at lower cost. By leveraging underutilized resources such as standalone data centers, crypto miners, and regular consumer GPUs, is able to provide computing power that is up to 90% cheaper than traditional cloud service providers. In terms of speed, companies like AWS often require detailed KYC or long-term contracts. As a result, it often takes weeks to get its GPU computing from the cloud. imposes no such restriction and users can easily access their GPUs and deploy the cluster within 90 seconds.

