Voted No 1 on Onalytica for Social Selling Timothy Hughes shares his leading insight on Growth-Hacking with Webcontentspecialists.

2 min readJul 5, 2016


Just recently I had the privilege to interview Timothy Hughes about his views on Growth Hacking. Just to recap Timothy has launched a book called Social Selling where he goes onto explain what his views are with Social Selling, and how selling is linked as a way to build connections, than just selling something that nobody wants to buy.

In this interview Timothy Hughes goes on to discuss Growth Hacking and further advances his knowledge what Startups should do. He goes onto to say that ‘aggressive selling’ should change and that people need to rapidly build up their connections over time so people will know were to go to, when they want to buy. His views and knowledge goes onto adapt further that Growth Hacking with Social Selling rubs off one another as its all about building relations with people who may want to buy the product or service first, but its all about developing trust with your buyer before you even think about pitching your product or service to them. He goes onto say Growth Hacking is reaching out to your influencers and building up your relations with others so your developing your brand appeal, and people will most likely to buy when they know who you are, what your market fit is, in your niche, sector or business.

A picture of me and Timothy during the Interview-

To find out more about this interesting Video, I advise you to spare a second and watch it. Press this link.

Webcontentspecialists undertook this video interview as its a small Startup looking to scale up. It shares basic up to date content from Tech to Growth Hacking and connects with influencers all over the world who can share some of their knowledge.Webcontentspecialists doesn’t make any profit from this yet, but shares some of the latest news happening in the tech scene. Its looking to connect with top tech professionals all around the world, and build our image on Social Media. We are always looking to interview influencers who can share their insights about the latest tech news so check us out and please send me a message if you are interested in being interviewed.

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Written by Webcontentspecialists

A #Digital #GrowthHacker. I interview the best tech experts around the world. Please follow us-We love what we do! #Influential Marketer- Best #Startup in 2017.