Weetabix East Africa
2 min readJul 31, 2017


EAT HEALTHY, LIVE HEALTHY: Weetabix- Fortified with Iron and Vitamins

Having a healthy breakfast gives you energy, sufficient nutrients and makes you more productive at work. A healthy breakfast fortified with iron and vitamins is a good way to start your day.

Iron is an essential mineral vital for our health that helps carry oxygen to cells, tissues and muscles and is mainly found in seafood, red meat, poultry, pulses, beans, green leaves and fortified cereals such as Weetabix breakfast cereals.

Iron is classified into two groups:

1. Heme iron which is obtained from animal based foods.

2. Non-heme is obtained from plants and fortified cereals.

Weetabix breakfast cereal contains non-heme iron and In order for the iron to be well absorbed by the body, it is advisable that you add a source of vitamin c such as Kiwi fruit and many more.

Here are more benefits of iron in the body;

· Being an antioxidant, iron protects against cell damaging free radicals.

· Improves the immune system.

· Helps reduce fatigue.

· Helps in hemoglobin and myoglobin formation for proper transportation of oxygen to cells, tissues and muscles.

Vitamins on the other hand are essential for our health and wellbeing and they are mostly acquired through the foods we eat especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Each Vitamin has its specific job in the body and low levels of certain vitamins leads to health problems. Vitamins are also classified in to two:

1. Fat soluble vitamins- This are stored in the fatty tissues in the body and the liver. They include vitamin A, D, E and K.

2. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body for long because they get excreted that is why the body needs this vitamins frequently in small portions. They include vitamin C and B vitamins.

Weetabix breakfast cereals contain Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and Folic acid (B9) which is water soluble vitamins and as explained above, you need to eat it frequently but in controlled portions. Below are the roles that the vitamins play in our body.

1. Boosts the body’s metabolism blood circulation and brain development- Vitamin B1, B2 and B3

2. Controls cholesterol levels, maintains healthy skin- Niacin (vitamin b3)

3. Maintains healthy skin and vision- Riboflavin (vitamin b2)

4. Boosts the nervous system- Thiamine (vitamin b1

5. Forms healthy red blood cells- Folic acid (vitamin b9)

Adequate intake of iron and vitamins is very necessary to prevent deficiency and to promote good health. Iron deficiency in a common Nutritional deficiency and women are at more at risk than men.

Weetabix breakfast cereal is a healthy and delicious way to increase the amount of iron and vitamins in your diet and you are less likely to become deficient. It tastes good and meets other nutrient needs as well.

