RECIPE: Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Even my cauliflower-hating brother likes it!

2 min readJan 22, 2014

So, since I discovered that I might possibly have a food intolerance* to almonds (or nuts in general — see my earlier post here on, I had to figure out a way to make my cauliflower pizza crust without it. I know it’s been done by others… and I surely could have just googled it, but being the I’ll-figure-it-out-myself type… I worked it out on my own. And guess what? That’s exactly what I did (successfully, I might add).

*If you want to learn more about food intolerances, check my uncle’s book, “The Power of Your Metabolism” by Frank Suarez. That’s where I learned about it… and it was easy to understand.

Anyways.. blah, blah, blah, here is the glorious recipe:


1/2 raw cauliflower…..1 egg……1/2 cup to 3/4th cup of mozzarella cheese ……Garlic Powder……Salt……Pepper……Pepper flakes……Basil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Use a food processor to grind up half of a cauliflower until it is very fine (more so than rice).
  3. Add cauliflower to a large bowl.
  4. Add all dry ingredients (cheese and spices) and mix. Note: You can add or remove any of these spices to your own taste, but I would suggest at least keeping the garlic and salt.
  5. Add egg and thoroughly mix. Mixture should be wet enough to stick together, but not so much that it leaves “puddles” in the mixture.
  6. Spread mixture onto parchment paper (I spray it with coconut oil, just in case) until flat and even. TIP: A fork seems to work the best for this.
  7. Bake on top rack until golden brown (about 40 minutes…but watch it, just in case)
  8. Add toppings and bake on top rack until cheese is melted (about 10 minutes).
  9. Enjoy. ☺

Optional Step:

Try to feed it to your kids / husband / cauliflower-hating sibling without telling them that it’s cauliflower. Email me at and let me know how it went!


If you are following the recommendations from my uncle’s book (again, “The Power of Your Metabolism” by Frank Suarez)… every ingredient included in this recipe is considered an “S” (slimming) type food. PARTY-TIME! Just be sure to keep your nervous system type in mind.




Height: 5'3 SW: 176 lbs CW: 136 lbs Looking to motivate and be motivated! :D