Bilal Ahmed Shah
4 min readFeb 6, 2016


One of the superpowers god has blessed me with is I never forget faces. If my eyes have seen you before, it will never forget you ( I am not that good with names though)

As a kid who was 24/7 restless, getting into trouble in school , My father use to take me to religious “Jamaat” (Jamaat — depending on the number of days is a kind of a religious meditation In Islam where you live in a sacred place and worship and learn about your religion).

My father took me there so that I would become a calm and composed person , I am sure it was my mother who was behind this plan.

He actually use to think I was a psycho(Still thinks). But less did he know , I use to make a lot of noise inside the masjid and he would scold me ruthlessly and complain to other’s to make me silent , I would never listen , I never did.

He was so fed that he told me to not pray instead go out and play so that atleast he could worship peacefully for sometime. I black mailed him by asking money.

I went out to play where I found a little companion who was more of a silent and quiet kind of kid. He was hesitant to talk to me but I started explaining him how I tricked my father to come out and play out here.

He did not answer me but we started playing. I was making too much noise somebody came out shouted back at us. This friend of mine did not even tell his name to me.

Few year after that I again saw him in masjid , but we did not exchange words, maybe he did not recognize me. I had forgotten him.

Last year I attended a wedding. There are basically two reasons I love going to weddings
1) You get to check out girls (Beautiful ones)
2) Food — Why are we here ?
I am just kidding , it is actually my mother who takes me to these functions.

Fast forward to now, I am more calm and composed compared to my childhood days ( Trust me:()

I was sitting with a bunch of friends when I suddenly saw him again. My mind stopped thinking about anything else and I was constantly glaring at him trying to figure out if he was the one I saw at the masjid and as a kid during the Jamaat.

Yes it was him and he slowly walked towards our table and handed over a glass of juice to someone. I could see he was smiling trying to work hard as much as possible , I was shocked I had never felt like this before , I wanted to take the glass and break it on my head.

I remember that exact moment , I looked up in the sky and questioned god “ Why am I sitting here and why is he working there ? Why do you discriminate ? He should get an opportunity to learn just like everybody else ?I should be begging you and thanking you for everything every second ?”

I felt ashamed of myself !

So many people are grateful even though when they have so many problems

Yet a lot of people are not happy with their life. Do we take you(Force above) for granted ?
My heart was cold , I felt like crying but that very second I made a promise to myself.

1000 of things are to be fixed in my life I have been complaining to god a lot but everything that I have right now is more than what I would deserve.

— I have a family = grateful

— I have no disability in my body = Grateful

— I have food on my table = Grateful

— I have roof over my head = Grateful

— I am living = Grateful

No matter what happens ahead I will always and always be grateful for what I have in my life.

We humans are crazy , we run behind happiness(thing) with sadness , once we get that happiness(things and stuffs) we start running towards another apparent happiness again with sadness , this is the most vicious circle and very important to break free from it.

Happiness is a feeling

a) You have a brain which itself can do wonders if used correctly — grateful
b) You have a heart to feel and love everything — grateful
c) We all will die one day , so each day is a blessing and there is so much to be grateful for even if we have not achieved any thing in life

Feeling Grateful does not cost much , actually it is free , it is just that people label it with some kind of achievement

Today I feel I am neither successful , neither have I earned anything but I can say I am happy , I feel grateful for my life and trust me this feeling is so damn awesome

What if Envy was replaced with Gratefulness and thankfulness ?

Cheers to life



Bilal Ahmed Shah

I sometimes forget who i am & then again realise my perception & pen them down. Living life in stories & experiences.. Preparing myself for a life long hustle!