A Conversation with The Curious Engineer (Omkar Bhagat)

Darshan Gajara
3 min readJan 8, 2016


This Conversation was originally posted on darshangajara.com.

DG: Hey Omkar, how are you doing? Tell us something about you?
Hi Darshan, I’m doing good. About me — I am a Computer Engineering student, I have a YouTube channel called The Curious Engineer with around 28k subscribers & I work as an Illustrator with MinuteEarth. I basically make science videos with the help of my Illustrations.

DG: What was going in your mind when you thought of creating The Curious Engineer?
TCE: I actually started it as a channel called Codefap, which was a place for Programming Tutorials & Tech Reviews. But then I stumbled upon amazing science channels like Vsauce, Veritasium, MinutePhysics, SmarterEveryDay, etc. These channels inspired me to make edu-taining science videos.

DG: How did the Exceptional Journey start?
TCE: When I decided to make videos using Illustrations, I was trying to make something like MinutePhysics. I had no idea where to begin. I purchased a pen-tablet and watched tutorials on YouTube to learn tips and tricks for making this happen. And then I made my first video — “Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs”.

DG: What technologies, gadgets & tools do you use for creating those awesome videos?
TCE: I use Adobe Photoshop to draw & Camtasia Studio to record the drawing process. Adobe Audition for editing the narration. Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects for the editing process. For the hardware part, I use a computer and a Wacom Tablet.

DG: Tell us about those early problems that you had to face in growing your channel?
TCE: I guess, I faced the same problems as every other creator on the Internet, i.e Not getting sufficient views on the content we create. Although I’m still struggling to get more views, I can say there’s an audience to my channel now, which is better than having no audience at all.

DG: What gave that necessary boost to your channel?
TCE: I made a video on ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission & ISRO’s facebook page and twitter handle shared it for it’s correctness. I guess ISRO’s tweet gave that necessary boost to The Curious Engineer.

DG: And now the most awaited question, How much do you earn via your YouTube channel? :P
TCE: Not much. But, I do other projects to earn and support The Curious Engineer. I’ve switched to iMac & better devices to improve the quality of my work. That should give you an idea! :P
And I also work as an Illustrator with Minute Earth where I get paid for what I love to do — Illustrations.

DG: You’re pursuing Bachelors in Computer Engineering; how did this YouTube stuff change your image back there in your college?
TCE: Before — People didn’t know about me. I was just a normal student doing different experiments on the Internet.
Now — People know about me. You know, it feels great when everyone knows your name and they respect you for your work.

DG: What inspires you the most?
TCE: I work with the guy who inspires me the most, Henry — the creator of MinutePhysics.

DG: What do you do other than making videos on YouTube & studying Engineering?
TCE: I do talks about my story & experience with YouTube. Also I like to ride my bike & play football.

DG: What piece of advice would you like to offer to the budding YouTubers?
TCE: Don’t try to be a YouTuber, be a Creator. People who aim to become YouTuber, create content which others like to watch. While Creators create what they like and what they’d love to watch.

I thank The Curious Engineer on behalf of all my Readers for having such an awesome Conversation with me.
Feel free to follow him on YouTube, Blog, Facebook & Twitter.



Darshan Gajara

Product Designer | Maker of Product Disrupt | Young Jury at Awwwards | Contributor at InVision | Blog - http://darshangajara.com/