Netflix and Chill: Pug Edition

Welcome to the Grumble
4 min readJun 15, 2023


Do you ever catch your pug watching TV? They may be mesmerized or even barking at the screen. My pugs not only watch TV, but they also view videos and TikTok’s on my phone. It’s pretty amusing as their heads’ tilts side to side or they jump up to get a closer view to the screen. Do you wonder if your pug understands what is happening on the screen or comprehends what they are watching?

Doug the Pug is ready to Netflix and Chill to Stranger Things, one of the shows my pugs like to watch!

Pugs and other dogs can perceive images and sounds coming from your television, laptop, or a smart device. National Geographic has completed research studying dogs watching TV and they have found that dogs’ eyes register images at a much faster pace than humans. They also found that dogs prefer watching on-screen animals as opposed to cartoons determining they can differentiate between a real dog and a cartoon dog like Scooby-Do.

Dogs have dichromatic vision, which allows them to only perceive blue and yellow colors. The images on the screen come across as yellow, brown, blue, or gray in your pug’s eyes. Let’s say you were watching a video of fall foliage with all the different leaf colors, humans can perceive all the colors in the trees, but a pug would only see gray and yellow.

An example of what a dog sees on an autumn day.

Pugs can also register images faster than humans when watching TV. With high-definition TV screens, it makes it easy for your pug to watch. If you have an older TV Set, try having it on with your pug present. They will view the images as if they were watching a flickering silent movie from the 1920s and they may become disinterested. Dogs require 70 images per second to watch continuously in motion. HD technology allows rapid images to capture a dog’s attention.

Reactions to images or sounds from the screen are part of dog’s behavior. If your pug jumps up to the screen if there is a dog or another animal, it is their way of greeting them. Sounds like barking or a doorbell will cause them to bark or react in a certain way. My guys think we are getting a pizza delivery if they hear a doorbell on TV.

National Geographic states that a dog cannot tell between certain shows or movies or have a favorite program, but I disagree. There are certain shows and movies my pugs like over others. You might think they like the shows or movies you like to watch as it can be a bonding experience. While that is true, I found that my guys like stuff that I may necessarily would not have watched.

A few days after we brought Reuben home, he was running through our living room going back and forth between his teething toys and I was going through the TV channels and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was on. He stopped dead in his tracks, laid down and watched the entire movie. To this day, anytime we put the movie on, he will stop what he is doing and will watch it. Freddy will mimic Reuben and will sit and watch the movie with him.

Baby Reuben watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Freddy loves horses on TV. If we put on a Western or a period drama that has a horse running, he will go up to the TV and watch it. We have a neighbor that goes horseback riding on the trail near our house and Freddy is in love with her horse, and we are confident that this is from him enjoying the horses on TV.

Freddy watching a horse on TV.

A show my pugs love and that my husband and I don’t understand why is Jersey Shore. They binge watch this show for hours! They will miss going for walks if this show is on. We had to peel them from the couch one time just to go to our pug meetup. I cannot figure out their fascination with this show.

Reuben and Freddy are snuggled on the couch watching Jersey Shore, again.

Letting your pug watch TV can be a great simulation activity for them, but this should not replace companionship or healthy activities. Make sure your pug is engaged in other simulation activities like a food puzzle or Kong and at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Their reward at the end of a long day is to Netflix and chill with you.



Welcome to the Grumble

Pug Mom, meetup organizer, pug advocate, and content writer: An overall pug enthusiast. 🐾