Unveiling Prospero AI and Cyber Prospero: Next-Gen Telegram Bots Ushering in a New Era

2 min readJul 29, 2023


Introducing Prospero AI

We are thrilled to share one of our monumental advancements, Prospero AI, that showcases our team’s tireless commitment to innovation. Prospero AI, our brand-new Telegram bot, distinguishes itself with its ability to foster meaningful conversations based on user prompts. Its capacity to understand and contextualize prompts, thanks to an optimized in-house language model, signifies a new level of achievement in natural language processing and machine learning.

Prospero AI’s Advanced Image Generation

In a bid to enhance Prospero AI’s capabilities, we’re introducing an advanced image generation feature. Prospero AI now can convert text prompts into visually stunning images. This exciting feature is powered by large language models and diffusion models, adding a fascinating new dimension to user interactions.

Welcoming Cyber Prospero

Simultaneously, we’re delighted to announce the arrival of Cyber Prospero. Developed in partnership with a third-party firm passionate about the Welfare AI project, Cyber Prospero builds upon the successful foundation of Prospero AI and represents a significant leap forward in digital communication experiences.

The Evolution: From Rose and Safeguard Bots to Cyber Prospero

Cyber Prospero isn’t merely a new addition to our family of bots. Instead, it represents a new chapter, as it is designed to enhance the experience users had with our former bots, Rose and Safeguard. Integrating the best features of both, Cyber Prospero carries forward their legacy, offering a more powerful, efficient, and interactive platform for our users.

User Safety at the Forefront

While we are passionate about technological advancements, we also prioritize user safety. We strive to ensure a safe and secure environment by combining the inherent design of our bots with reliance on the moderators in each group where they operate.

The Journey Ahead

Currently, both Prospero AI and Cyber Prospero are in the testing phase. We are pushing the boundaries of machine learning and natural language processing, and we invite your patience and feedback to help us optimize our algorithms. We plan to make these bots publicly available in the near future and are incredibly excited about these developments.

Your ongoing support is invaluable to us. Stay tuned for more updates, and we look forward to seeing how you will interact with the innovative capabilities of Prospero AI and Cyber Prospero. Continue enjoying our services!

To find out more about WelfareAI, check out the links below:

Website: https://welfareai.io/

One-pager: https://welfareai.io/#onepager

Medium: https://medium.com/@WelfareAI

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WelfareAI

Telegram Official chat: https://t.me/WelfareAI

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/WelfareAINews

