Natural Remedies That Could Reverse Your Fatty Liver

Health Truewell
3 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

Let’s talk about “Natural Remedies That Could Reverse Your Fatty Liver” .If you’ve been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, the first thing is to accept the diagnosis! Your liver has accumulated too much fat, which cannot sit well with you, as you rightly feel. More importantly, you also cannot let this remain without taking some action. The good news is that some effective natural remedies can help reverse a fatty liver and soon put things right with your liver.

Let’s start with this: drop your jeans. I know, I know. Too easy. But what if I told you that shedding those pounds might have you throw in the towel on your fatty liver once and for all? Extra weight is a significant risk factor for NAFLD, which tells you that your liver is working overtime. Get your eating habits cleaned up and start hitting a gym or doing some form of exercise regularly. You’ll feel so much better, and that added stress on your liver will quickly become a thing of the past.

This brings us to the topic of what should be on your plate. A plant-based diet featuring a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins is a dream come true for your liver. These foods are loaded with antioxidants that will neutralize those nasty free radicals and calm inflammation in your liver. Ensure your shopping cart includes berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds. Use herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon liberally.

Milk thistle is one of the most popular herbs today and is touted for its liver-protective effects. This tiny purple flower’s active component, silymarin, scavenges free radicals and reduces inflammation, as shown in several studies. Supplementation with milk thistle has been shown to normalize liver enzyme levels and even promote healthy cell regeneration in the liver.

Another natural treatment is green tea extract. Filled with catechins (especially EGCG), green tea extract can exert potent liver-protecting effects. Drinking some green tea extract or a cup of green tea might augment your antioxidant defenses and, hopefully, bring down some of that liver fat.

Good news if you love omega‑3 fatty acids (and who doesn’t?): these healthy fats might help reverse your fatty liver. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel wall, nuts, and flaxseeds are excellent sources of omega-3s, and their anti-inflammatory properties might help reduce liver fat accumulation and return those all-important liver enzyme levels to normal.

Next, let’s talk about your gut! (Most importantly, it impacts your liver health!) An unhealthy balance of bacteria in your gut can spur levels of inflammation and other problems that can promote fatty liver disease. Probiotics, which are found in fermented foods — think yogurts, kefir and sauerkraut — can help restore a diverse gut microbiome and potentially improve the liver as well.

And finally, don’t forget the storied benefits of the most essential inexpensive substance on the planet — H2O (water). Not only does adequate hydration directly protect your liver, but it also helps flush toxins and burdensome waste products from your body, taking some of the strain off your liver. Aim for at least eight glasses daily and experiment with herbal teas and coconut water.

With that said, use these herbal and herbal products along with a reasonable diet and lifestyle pattern, including reasonable amounts of exercise, stress management and other apoptogenic practices (for example, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi). If you currently have additional medical conditions or are on medications, consult a primary care physician before taking any herbal products.

So, there you have it — seven natural remedies that might help reverse your fatty liver and get you up and running like never before. It could take some time, and it might not be easy. But if you can stick to it and stay the course, just a little persistence will go a long way to keep you on track with reversing your fatty liver — and maybe even energizing your liver and making you feel great once again.



Health Truewell

Passionate about holistic wellness, I explore the latest in health trends, nutrition, and fitness, sharing insights for a balanced, vibrant life.