Welly — The Decentralisation of healthy food

4 min readFeb 2, 2022


Well… it’s time to eat Welly from now on. -Shytoshi Kusama

Decentralisation; the transfer of control of an activity from one single entity to multiple authorities, has been influencing the crypto-space through DEFI in many sectors. This influence has seen an increase in the past year as we’ve seen with many projects such as: SHIB. This proliferation of DEFI has created a unique market and many opportunities thanks to the power and will of the community. However, it is rarely used in real life companies and businesses. Well, the time has come with a partnershib between “Welly” & “SHIB”, where we are going to experience and develop, as a community, a real life business through decentralisation.

Introducing Welly! The first fast food chain governed and powered by its community through the help of $SHIB and its DOGGY DAO.


Welly is a fast food store currently located in Naples, Italy opened in 2021 with a big dream. The dream to create a restaurant chain which, not only gives happiness to its customers through high quality and delicious food, but gives them attention. It cares about them, and grows with them. Thus, Welly’s aim its to concentrate on the well being of its customers, offering the best quality available without losing its incredible flavours. @Nucc50’s vision, however, was to expand this idea throughout the world, making healthy fast food available for everyone. And thanks to the team he created, we were able to develop something special, the first of its kind, and extremely unique.


So, how exactly is this project going to come to life? Well, or Welly.. through the interest of the initial team in cryptocurrencies and decentralisation, we were able to develop a plan based on expansion through sale of NFT’s. However just selling NFTs to grow our stores isn’t enough. We want the community to gain rewards, and have a say in the direction of Welly. Therefore, naturally as early investors and believers of the SHIB community, we knew Shib and its offering of technology and community was the perfect fit with our massive vision.

SHIB, the most powerful decentralised project ever created, has reached and destroyed every possible expectation and goals for what some thought was just a meme. But with the integration of Shib, Leash, Bone and Shibarium into our model and vision we knew Welly could change the world.

Therefore, thanks to the immense efforts @PB5 has constantly put to help the SHIB community we were able to approach Shytoshi himself with this idea, this dream. Decentralising, developing and expanding Welly to its maximum through the help of the SHIB community, where anyone could become part of the first ever decentralised fast food chain.


Way before the development of this project, Welly already had a supply chain based organisation, which we’ve later adapted to the idea of decentralisation. Everything works like a factory. Thus, it is easily replicable throughout the world. Employer training is mandatory through a detailed 3 weeks long course, to assure the best service possible for customers. And most importantly a healthy management of suppliers, which thanks to the experience and connection in the restaurant industry of members of the team, we are able to assure all around the globe. Best of all, the entire supply chain can be tracked using Shibarium so that you can know exactly what you are eating, which contributes to your well being.

Taking a note from Shytoshi, we won’t leave all our secrets here for copycat clowns, but it is our goal to work for and with the Shib ecosystem, Leash, Bone and Shibarium to disrupt the fast food industry.

Be aware of what you are eating. Eat Welly, track your food through the blockchain.


Now, after SHIB mentioned us, you are probably wondering who is behind this idea? Well, we are a team looking forward to create something unique, we all have different backgrounds, and different expertise;

@nucc50, Welly’s founder & restaurant entrepreneur

@gminerg, Welly’s Co-Founder, Head of Strategy, Networker, @PLUG.41’s founder

@pb5_five, SHIB enthusiast, crypto-investor and business developer

@vincenzomaiettadesign, Welly’s Co-Founder & Senior Graphic Designer

@koalooop, Cryptosecurity & Liasions, writer, and restaurant entrepreneur

Shytoshi Kusama, I really don’t believe an introduction is needed here.

I advise you to take a look at what he has to say: https://medium.com/@shytoshikusama/chow-down-shib-x-wellys-17932137edb2

We are here to revolutionise the restaurant industry, Welly is here to do it.




