7 Best Practices For Awesome Meta Titles

Learn how to gain more traffic to your blog posts

Wesley Smits
4 min readAug 24, 2021


7 Best Practices For Awesome Meta Titles

What is a meta title?

The meta title is the main description of an online document. It is an important on-page element for SEO. It is very simple to add to any HTML document by specifying the title tag within the <head> section as demonstrated below.

<title>Example of a title tag</title>

Where is the meta title used?

The meta title is used in three separate places on the web:

  1. Browsers
  2. Search Engines
  3. Other websites


In browsers the meta title of a webpage is displayed in the tab and in some browsers it’s also displayed at the very top of the browser.

The page on Apple’s website in the screenshot above has been marked with the title ‘Mac -Apple’ as you can see clearly indicating that you’re on the page about all Macs on Apple’s website.

Search Engines

