
Yasiin Bey (formally known as Mos Def) touches on this in one of my favorite tracks from his debut Black on Both Sides: “Love”

“Aiyo, power from the streetlight made the place dark
I know a few understand what I'm talking about”

As I wasn’t one of the people that knew what he was talking about, I looked it up.
Turns out this is a homage, this time to KRS-one and the track South Bronx (BDP).

Cedar Park in The Bronx was the venue for what many consider the first-ever Hip Hop party. Way back in 1973, hosted by DJ Kool Herc.

The party began at his apartment building before expanding into the nearby park to accommodate the growing crowd.

And As for why it got dark? They tapped the electricity from a street light to power the music equipment.🔥

