Zinke’s gift to his oil & gas friends

Western Values Project
4 min readNov 29, 2017


Over the next month, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is preparing to announce a series of oil and gas lease sales across the West. Given the administration’s favoritism to special interests in Washington, D.C., these proposed lease sales are poised to be an early holiday gift to the same oil and gas industry that helped propel it into office. For the rest of the West, these leases unnecessarily threaten some of our most pristine public landscapes, including several national parks, monuments, and communities.

A list of Secretary Zinke’s early holiday gifts to his lobbyist friends bordering or near our nation’s parks:

Chaco Culture World Heritage Site
Location of proposed leases: 2 miles
Sale Date: March 2018
Statue: Postponed
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New Mexico BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. Includes parcels (red) near Chaco Culture World Heritage Site and near road on the way to Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

Basin and Range National Monument
Location of proposed leases: On border
Sale Date: December 12, 2017
Status: Auction pending
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Great Basin National Park
Location of proposed lease: 4.5 miles
Sale Date: December 2017
Status: Environmental Assessment comment period ends September 18, 2017
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Nevada BLM’s December 2017 Lease Sale. Includes parcels (red) near Great Basin NP and bordering Basin and Range National Monument.

Great Basin National Parlk

Canyons of the Ancient National Monument
Location of proposed leases: Bordering
Sale Date: March 19–23, 2018
Status: Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected November 30, 2017
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Hovenweep National Monument
Location of proposed leases: 5 miles
Sale Date: March 19–23, 2018
Status: Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected November 30, 2017
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Utah BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. Includes parcels (red) near Hovenweep National Monument (blue) and directly along the western boundary of Canyons of the Ancients NM (purple).

Dinosaur Monument Oil and Gas Leases

Bears Ears National Monument
Location of proposed leases: 0.1 miles
Sale Date: March 19–23, 2018
Status: Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected November 30, 2017
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Utah BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. Includes parcels (red) near the boundary of Bears Ears NM (purple).

Bears Ears Oil and Gas Leases

Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
Location of proposed leases: Bordering
Sale Date: March 13, 2018
Status: Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected December 13, 2017
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Montana/North Dakota BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. Parcel (red) bordering Upper Missouri River Breaks NM (purple).

Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Location of proposed leases: Bordering
Sale Date: March 13, 2018
Status:Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected December 13, 2017
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Montana/Dakotas BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. BLM proposing to lease a parcel (red) directly bordering the northern unit of Theodore Roosevelt NP (purple).

Dinosaur National Monument
Location of proposed leases: 1.3 miles
Sale Date: December 12, 2017
Status: Auction pending
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Utah BLM’s December 2017 Lease Sale. BLM proposing to lease parcels (red) near the western boundary of Dinosaur NM (purple).

Dinosaur National Monument Oil and Gas

Fort Laramie National Historic Site
Location: 0.3 miles
Sale Date: March 19, 2018
Status: Final lease sale notice initiating protest period expected November 29, 2017
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Wyoming BLM’s March 2018 Lease Sale. Includes parcels (red) less than ½ mile from the Fort Laramie National Historic Site (purple).

Fort Laramie Historic Oil and Gas Leases

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site
Location: 5 miles
Sale Date: December 12, 2017
Status: Auction pending
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Montana-Dakotas BLM is proposing to lease this parcel (red), which is about 5 miles from the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site (purple), as part of its December 2017 Lease Sale.

Fort Union Trading Post Oil and Gas Lease

Originally published at Western Values Project.



Western Values Project

A watchdog nonprofit, based in Montana, defending America's public lands through research and public education in order to hold policymakers accountable.