How to seduce a girl to become your girlfriend

Wet Genius
10 min readJan 17, 2022


The hardest things can really have the most straightforward of steps. To know how to seduce a lady and get her in bed (or to be your girlfriend), this is what you want to know.

View of a sexy ass.

As a guy, something you’re likely contemplating sometimes, is the way to tempt a lady and get her in bed with you (or to be your girlfriend). Truly, when you remember what we need to share, you’ll have the option to allure a young lady, even before she understands it!

Is it true that you are beguiled by a hot companion? Or on the other hand do you observe a young lady you see every so often totally, overpoweringly provocative?

It doesn’t make any difference whether you know her as of now or she’s a finished outsider. To allure a lady, all you really want to comprehend are a couple of things regarding how fascination functions, and learn to use it in your favor.

Seducing a girl and the finer details you need to know

Initially, to seduce a young lady or even make her like you, you should be an extraordinary person who can get the young lady’s consideration. On the off chance that you can’t be the sort of fellow who can intrigue a young lady effectively, you might in any case have the option to seduce the young lady you like, yet it’ll be significantly harder to win her flirty attention or even keep her intrigued.

[CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: 9 traits of a great guy that turns girls on sexually and otherwise]

Assuming you can be the sort of fellow that young ladies need and want, it makes seducing them as simple as a stroll in the park. In any case, regardless of whether you’re not that smooth person, attempt these means. All things considered, it’ll possibly find a few ways to know whether you will wind up in bed with her. So what’s the mischief in trying, correct?

All ladies have their own inclinations with regards to dating a fellow or making out with him. Be that as it may, assuming you keep it secretive and make good decisions, you could seduce any lady you like and make her need to lay down with you in a couple of days!

[CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: 6 signs to perceive a young lady who’s prepared for a hookup and 12 methods for connecting with her in various circumstances]

Seducing women is a vast topic and there are so many small but very significant aspects to it that play a part in seduction. So we’ve added a lot of relevant links *and additional perusing material* to make you a genuine genius at seduction. Utilize these links and steps here, and you’ll be astounded exactly how simple seducing a young lady can be!

Sexy photo of male and female.

1. Draw near to her

If you want to seduce a girl, the first thing you need to do is get to know her better. Don’t come on too strong or she’d feel threatened or find you too easy to get, and may get bored of you.

If it’s a girl you don’t know yet, use these steps on how to approach a girl you don’t know and impress her.

In the event that it’s a relaxed friend or a colleague, converse with her and improve. Text her every so often, and be warm and well disposed. Try not to hit on her right now, however don’t act like a mat all things considered!

[CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: How to keep away from the friend zone when you begin conversing with a girl]

2. Be likeable

This is a really significant stage with regards to knowing how to seduce a girl. What’s more this is the place where you can really let know if she’s getting used to you or contracting away from you. As you converse with her every so often, attempt to get to find out about her and the things she enjoys.

Text her or converse with her as frequently as you can *a few times each day is an incredible beginning here*, and attempt to bond over something both of you see as intriguing. In the event that the things you say appear to be doing something amazing, she’d begin to partake in your visits and your texts and stay in contact with you. [CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: Smooth ways of keeping a discussion going while at the same time conversing with a girl]

In any case, on the off chance that you appear to be a drag, she might begin to separate herself from you. She might try not to react to your texts, or she might require hours to react to you. Also at last, she may simply get exhausted and keep away from you totally.

Assuming you at any point notice that she requires a long time to hit you up, you truly need to discuss another thing to keep things fascinating.

Check out this guide on how to talk to girls and leave them smitten and in love with you before reading on.

3. Get dynamic around evening time

The most effective way to get underhanded and close with a young lady is by messaging her late around evening time, when she has free time, and an entire universe of chances to get insidious.

See, you can generally play with her during the day as well. Yet, the chances of being a tease up a tempest are thin when there are others around her to divert her. Here is the vital thing to recollect —stay in touch with her during the day, but save the flirty talk for nights.

In the event that you overlook talking or keeping in contact with her during the day, she’d accept that you’re just keen on laying down with her, and that’s it. While she might approve of a sexual relationship, no girl would be okay with being disrespected.

Share a couple of images over the course of the day, and start a discussion after supper. When you get this moving, she might be sufficiently agreeable to message you or talk with you sometime later, regardless of whether she was anxious from the outset. Utilize this aide on the best way to engage a young lady on texts and keep her invigorated by you to get things moving your direction.

Keep the primary a few messaging discussions clean, and tease nonchalantly without making clearly you’re attempting to lay down with her or seduce her. At the present time, you should simply draw nearer to her and make her play back with you.

Indeed, you’re attempting to sort out some way to seduce a lady, yet don’t be rushed presently. Try not to attempt to get into her jeans as of now, or there’s a possibility you might pass the entire thing over!

4. Carry on with two lives

This is the place where you really want to get strange, and make her can’t help thinking about what’s at the forefront of your thoughts. Each time you talk with her around evening time or text her, be flirty and naughty. However, when you meet her during the day, don’t discuss the naughty texts at all, unless she talks about it *which means she really likes the flirty texts!*.

Completely avoid flirting or talking about the texts when there are other friends around. But flirt with her when it’s just the both of you.

By doing this, you’d cause her to persuade herself that there’s now a mysterious enthusiastic something blending between the both of you, in light of the fact that no other person knows what’s happening except for the both of you. Who doesn’t love a bit of fun, flirty secret drama in their life? [CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: How to fool a girl into thinking about you sexually]

5. Try not to tell her you like her

Many folks commit this error here. They tell the young lady they like her, or that they care deeply about her. Obviously, you like her. She realizes that as of now, isn’t that right? You text her constantly, both of you flirt all the time, and she can feel the chemistry.

In any case, despite the fact that she has a clue that you like her, she wants to hear it from you to affirm her questions. Relax and don’t admit your affections for her whenever now. Her energy and interest would make her dependent on you.

In the event that you’re attempting to seduce a lady, uncovering your fondness for her will kill the anticipation, which won’t help you in any capacity. Here is a must-view on the 9 things you really want to fix about yourself to seduce a young lady you like to ensure you’re effective with these means.

6. Get into her comfort zone

As regularly as possible, attempt to invest some energy alone with her. It doesn’t make any difference in the event that both of you are hanging out as friends, or meeting on a date. When you get some alone time with her, sit closer to her and pretend like you didn’t notice how close you’re sitting.

You’ve been playing with her, presently you want to get into her own space to cause her to feel the sexual chemistry.

Brush her arms with your arms prudently, or play with her fingers while talking nonchalantly, place your hands around her waist while sidestepping across her or walking past her, touch her while complimenting her, or hug her for just a second longer while saying goodbye.

To seduce a lady, you need her to feel your fascination towards her, however never in words *at least not simply yet!*. At the present time, all you really want to zero in on is getting her familiar with your contact. Do this right, and soon enough, she’d ache for a greater amount of you!

Here is a tricky aide on how to make a girl wet just by sitting next to her casually you should try. You’ll be surprised by just how well it works in seducing a woman!!

7. Assemble the sexual pressure

At this point, she’d feel the sexual shiver each time you contact her, unintentionally or in any case. This is the place where you want to cause her to want your contact.

Allow your hand to wait on her back, or on her arms as you contact her. Go truly close and murmur something in her ear. Talk delicately and play with her fingers when nobody’s near. Construct the physical seduction right, and she’d transform into easily manipulatable clay! [CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: How to flirt by touch without making it obvious at all]

8. Play games

In the event that you’ve been playing with her, and contacting her while sitting close to one another, you’ve seduced her psyche as of now and you’re in an incredible spot to try and take her to bed. She’s clearly drawn to you as of now, and needs more as well!

But if you want to play it safe and take it slow, continue to stay flirty over texts while trying to seduce a woman. Here are 15 details every guy MUST know while flirting with a girl over text to kick things off. Play a couple mischievous messaging games this time around, and start them nonchalantly. In no time, you’d allure her while having a good time and playing text games with her simultaneously.

[CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: The best sexy, dirty and naughty texting games to get naughty with one single text!]

9. The dirty conversation

You’ve been messaging her, playing with her and seducing her each and every evening. What’s more assuming she’s been playing along this while, this is where you talk dirty and make the big move..

Initiate a dirty conversation over the phone. Start simple, and ask her a question that seems innocent, but would definitely lead to something dirty. And before you know it, both of you would be having phone sex with each other. Utilize these 20 step-by-step dirty questions to ask a girl that could lead straightforwardly to sex!

10. Ask her out

Once you’ve had texted dirty or had phone sex with her, you’ve seduced her already. Presently you should simply make out with one another face to face. Ask her out, or tell her you truly need to meet her at some point.

Make plans to meet up in your place or hers, and avoid going out on a date unless you’re trying to woo her or make her fall in love with you. This is where you need to choose whether you’re looking for a friends-with-benefits relationship or a romance. [CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO: 9 rules of seduction you ought to never forget]

If both of you like one another, and are keen on dating one another, that is extraordinary information! In any case, up until this point, assuming that you’ve followed this large number of steps on the most proficient method to seduce a lady to the tee, you’ve done nothing but focused on sexual attraction. You’ve clarified that you’re keen on her physically. Also she knows this!

So this is the place where you both need to choose if you’re searching for something else, or just a casual fling to keep each other company.

11. Make out with her!

finally when you at long last meet her *and she knows why you need to meet her*, don’t hop on her immediately in light of the fact that both of you have messaged messy and are stimulated as of now. Keep the sexual strain on a high, and let it remain a little.

You may simply wind up killing the state of mind, or she might let you know that she’s not feeling the sexual flash, which would take you no place. Play it slow, warm up to the demonstration and ensure she’s in the mind-set before you attempt to kiss her for the first time.

What’s more since you’ve made significant progress, simply don’t mess up with the primary kiss! See this video on how to kiss a girl for the first time and not screw up to ensure you’re doing this right.

Assuming you utilize these means on the best way to seduce a lady and get her in bed, you’ll have the option to do something amazing with her. But remember, this works only if you get her interested in you first. So move slowly, watch her reaction, and make your move.

Want to take this a few steps further, now that you know how to seduce a woman? Try these next, to make sure you’re just as smooth all the way!

CLICK HERE TO SEE: How to arouse a girl while sitting with her and make her want to kiss you

CLICK HERE TO SEE: How to make out with a girl *and touch her breasts* for the first time and make her want more



Wet Genius

All about Sex, Health, Lifestyle, and Beauty.