Animal Farm With Tweets

When War Disappears
4 min readFeb 2, 2019


It is a basic truth that only people who are suffering from an inferiority complex go into politics.

It is the inferiority complex that leads them into politics, so that they can prove to themselves, and to the world that they are not inferior, by having power over others.

A person who does not feel inferior would never go into politics.

So it is always the inferior who go to into politics.

And these people have the power of the armies, of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, of nuclear weapons.

It is a very strange and dangerous world.

As it is now, idiotic politicians are trying to solve problems which they don’t understand at all.

Problems which they have created, which have now gone beyond their reach and beyond their understanding.

Direct meritocracy is the answer for all our problems.

With direct meritocracy, there is no need for any political party, politicians or political ideology.

People should stand on their own merit.

Merit should be the only decisive point.

We have geniuses in every field, but you don’t find those geniuses becoming prime ministers or presidents.

But they can become presidents and prime ministers if there are no political parties.

Then their sheer merit will be enough, and nobody will even be capable of competing with them.

They will not have to go to beg for votes, they will be chosen unanimously.

We have so many people of great merit, but they should not become part of any political party, they should not degrade themselves.

To become part of a political party and beg for votes while making false promises which cannot be fulfilled, is not the way.

Only the third-class people, very mediocre people, become part of political parties, the best remain out.

Actually only the most capable and intelligent should be the ones who manage the society.

The world will be far better if we are in the hands of intelligent, independent people, creative people who do not want to destroy, whose intelligence won’t allow them to do all the stupid things that politicians go on doing.

Power should always be in the hands of the more alert, more aware, more conscious people.

Otherwise, this power is going to destroy the whole of humanity.

It is time to understand the whole situation.

We have to prevent politicians from going on playing the same criminal games.

Because behind the masks of democracy is a cunning, criminal political system.

These people who call themselves democratic and think that they are protectors of democracy in the world are really imperialistic.

These governments pretend to be democratic, but are not.

We can all now see that this so called democracy is only a mask, and behind it are psychotic politicians controlling fascist governments.

These governments should be exposed to the whole world, because the whole world has been believing that they are in a democracy.

Why should there be a political party?

There is no reason for political parties to exist.

If you need a finance minister, then just look at the great experts you have in economics and finance, the Max Keisers of the world who can be nominated for the post, and can be chosen for the post.

There is no need for any political party.

We should move from party politics to individuals, from democracy, from dictatorship to meritocracy.

Every individual who is eligible to vote should choose the person who will represent the ministerial position without any political party programming him, forcing him or bribing him.

Individuals should stand, and individuals should choose, and the choice should be on merit.

Your political system should be an election of merit, and alternative media can play a tremendously valuable role in explaining to the masses the merits of different people who are contesting.

It is possible to use blockchain with a process of enhanced online security, to guarantee free, honest and fair elections, thus securely recording every individuals vote online directly.

The people can collectively decide by referendum on what issues to directly vote on, which individuals to represent them, which ones to remove, such as individuals who have become disloyal to the people — lets vote on breaking up all plutocratic MSM propaganda outlets, also which individuals to prosecute for behaving criminally, whether they are selling weapons to rogue nations, or interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations, or are creating illegal wars and genocide.

Lets not forget the issue of how to deal with all the war criminals of the last 50 years!

People don’t understand that you may get out of one system of fascist political imprisonment, and while you are dancing and singing and celebrating, another imprisonment is being created for you by your new political leaders who are promising you a better life, a better world, a better humanity.

This has been going on for centuries.

It needs to stop, we urgently need a new kind of government.

A new process, of direct meritocracy, where merit should be the only criterion.

Only then can governments exist as accountable functional units, which are not ruled by politicians but run by people of intelligence and merit.

And of course without any lobbying or donations, possibly with all ministerial posts on three year contracts and a maximum service of two terms.

Politicians have already done enough harm to humanity, it is time to forever show them the door.



When War Disappears

We are coming close to a tremendous transformation, something so rare and unique which has never happened before, and will never happen again.