How much time do you really spend grocery shopping?

The answers may suprise you

2 min readAug 11, 2014

Would you like more time? To go on holiday, to run, to take up knitting, to see your kids, perhaps? Would you like to cut down one of your least favourite household chores to make room for all of these things?

Well, good news, my friend, because it turns out you can save the approx. 2h you are wasting every week on grocery shopping. So, consign this traditional chore to the dustbin and dust off the to-do list of new hobbies.

It’s true a lot of people actually enjoy grocery shopping (haven’t got the hang of that one myself), but for many people, like me, it’s positively a drag. Queues, heavy baskets and trollies, never being able to find the exact thing that you want… all of these trials befall us on the weekly trip to the supermarket.

Even worse, the average person spends 130 hours a year in the supermarket, which could add up to around nine whole months over a lifetime.

At Whisk, we surveyed our own users and found that, whilst they were spending less time than most people in the supermarket, they were still spending much more time than necessary.

So why is this? The obvious time-saving option for grocery shopping is to switch online. The average time spent on the weekly shop online is 15min, compared to the industry average of 2.5h.

But why are people not switching to online? Perhaps because it seems more tedious to make online lists; searching for the exact item you want is a pain without being able to just grab it off the shelves and the whole thing can seem more time consuming than just going to the shop and waiting for inspiration to strike.

Fortunately, there are better solutions that don’t require leaving your house. With Whisk, you can get recipe inspiration from our web and mobile apps, and then, once you’ve found a recipe you like, Whisk will add the items to your shopping list with one click. Add as many recipes and individual items as you want, and then check out online with your favourite supermarket. It’s as easy as that.

Even if you’re one of those strange people who likes visiting a shop, you can use your list offline on your phone. Never spend more than 15 minutes on a weekly shop again.




The smartest shopping list app, ever. Find us at or on 250k online recipes across @Allrecipes, @FoodNetwork_UK‎ and other sites.