A quick summary of where we are now

Roland Smith
2 min readFeb 4, 2016


Here’s a quick summary of recent news:

  1. Cameron’s deal will make no difference to immigration.
  2. With his non-existent deal, Cameron has demonstrated that the UK has no influence in the EU.
  3. Cameron has got an emergency brake of sorts but it’s time-limited and therefore unlike the EEA countries who have an emergency brake on migration that’s solely in their power to pull at any time.
  4. In the future, Brussels will presumably “fax” the UK with its permission to pull the emergency brake
  5. With Cameron’s deal, the UK will still be a fully functioning member of the single market therefore keeping business happy

And here’s a reminder of why Cameron and all other British Europhiles think stepping back to the EEA would be a “terrible idea”:

  1. “It’ll make no difference to immigration” (see point 1 above)
  2. “The EEA countries have no influence in the EU” (see point 2 above)
  3. “So the EEA countries can do nothing to control immigration” (see point 3 above)
  4. “The EEA countries receive their instructions from Brussels by fax” (see point 4 above)
  5. “The EEA countries are still in the single market” (see point 5 above)

In other words, Cameron’s "deal” actually negates Project Fear’s reasons for avoiding the EEA.

You’ve got to laugh.

And yet through all of this and despite the lies told about the EEA, there is one enormous difference that the EEA countries do have:

They are not in the EU.

And that brings a mass of other benefits, including an increase in global influence (yes you read that right)…..

There is only one safe way to exit that allows us to leave and still maintain all single market trade, the potential absence of which is the main driver of Project Fear. And that’s to step back to an EEA position in the first instance.

The only detailed and pragmatic Brexit plan in existence — “Flexcit” — spells out how that can be done and what comes next.

The short version of Flexcit is here: http://campaignforanindependentbritain.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Short-version-of-Flexcit-1.pd f

