Namita Mahanama
Namita Mahanama

I am the Director of Wholeistic Healing Co., which is a platform supporting women and their families along their perinatal mental health journey.

Drawing upon my own experience with two harrowing post-natal depressions, following the birth of my sons, together with my health professional qualifications and Eastern modality qualifications, it has allowed me to harness support tools to help women recognise their condition and to encourage them towards their recovery.

I have made it my life's mission to smash through the stigma, cultural conditioning and layers of shame or guilt that mental health disorders in all stages of life hold, but especially during pregnancy and the post-natal period. No longer do I want people to perceive that it is a sign of weakness, nor something to hide; but to know that help and support is available and that recovery is possible.

It is my dharma to be a vehicle of service to disseminate my information and learnings, to ensure that all women now and in future generations can navigate their way through this path with as much ease and grace as possible.

Namita Mahanama

Namita Mahanama

Pharmacist, Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher, Paediatric Massage Consultant, Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Author; supporting all women in PERINATAL Mental Health