Yes, you can use simple words to write powerful writing.

Quan Nguyen
3 min readJun 21, 2017


Even Trump can do it.

Word choice is one of the most important elements when it comes to a writing style

Ever got scared because your friend uses something like “sesquipedalian” in his writing?

“Wow I wish I could be as smart as him”.

Relax. While it is true that digesting certain words does make you sound smarter, longer words don’t always give birth to effective writing.

Take Donald Trump as an example.

Despite being ridiculed by linguists, Trump is no ordinary when it comes to talking to the crowd. People argue because of him. Friendships end, couples break up. And he achieves what he wants: attention. That is what effective communication is: achieve the communication goal by manipulating word choice.

[Want to manipulate people like Trump? Dig Here ALONE]

What is word choice?

Word choice refers to a writer’s selection of words as determined by a number of factors, including meaning (both denotative and connotative), specificity, level of diction, tone, and audience. Another term for word choice is diction.”

Generally, it means you choose words based on a set of conditions.

What can word choice do

Good word choice creates multiple effects. Let’s take a look at the following examples.

Example one: Conciseness

1. The present conditions of our society, marriage practices generally demonstrate a high degree of homogeneity.

2. In our culture, people tend to marry others who are like themselves. (Longman, p. 452)

Even though they mean the same thing, the first sentence uses many unnecessary “big word” to sound smart, and end up being unclear.

Example two: Formality

A common mistake when writing is using the wrong Register.

Example three: Advanced Techniques

Words can be used to create many other advanced language techniques, onomatopoeia, assonance, alliteration, ect. The below is an example of assonance (using the same vowel in the sentence to create rhythm)

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plains.

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plains.

The point is, knowing these effects of word choice allows you to choose the words you have to create the effect you need to achieve what you want. That is the most important takeaway for you.

See full list of language features here

How to start manipulating your words from today

There are a lot of good advice on the internet, however I realize that most of them are designed for advanced writers. Here are some pieces of advive you can use

ONE: See Word Choice as a step in a big picture (draft your content, understand your audience and choose the desired effect)

My writing formula is like this

40% effort on WHAT I want to say (the content), 40% on WHO I want to write for (the audience) and 20% on the effect that I want to achieve.

When I brainstorm about the CONTENT, I don’t pay much attention to WORD CHOICE. After I have my content crystalized on the paper, depending on WHO I write to and WHAT EFFECT I want to achieve, I will choose the appropriate words.

TWO: Don’t bite more than you can chew

More doesn’t mean better. Depends on your level you should only focus on a few aspects of vocabulary.

If English is not your mother tongue, Level 3 is enough. Want to be a writer? Move up the ladder.

THREE: Go find your idol!

Copy is the best way to learn!

Follow the writers that you admire who write about topics that you want to write, and pick the words from their writing!

Have fun with your writing!

