They Will Move Mountains

Will Fisher
4 min readSep 20, 2017


Dear Tatum and Marley,

I love you both so much.

Tatum — your kind smile and bright eyes remind me of your grandmother. She would be so proud of you and the young lady you’re becoming.

Marley — your laugh and desire to experience life make me impatient for the day we get to travel the world together.

You girls deserve everything this world has to offer, a world that is fair, just, and clean. Unfortunately, unless we work really hard right now, I’m afraid that we will hand you a world that increasingly demeans women and our LGBTQ friends, devalues the lives of minorities, and is unsafe and polluted.

I don’t mean to scare you. There are many good, amazing people in this world. Many who want the best for you and other kiddos just like you. But there are some who say they love and care for their fellow humans, but take actions that hurt people. They claim that “it isn’t their job” to help others. I disagree.

You see, like you, I am a very privileged person. That means that I was born to two loving parents who worked hard for me and my brothers and sisters so we could always have what we needed. I love them for that, and I’m so so grateful. And because of the situation I was born into, raised in a nice house on peach cobbler and family bike rides, getting through life for me was a bit easier than it is for a lot of people. I went to a great school, a great college, and even law school. I have a rewarding job, a beautiful house, and a functioning car (most of the time).

Yes, I worked hard to get those things, but there are people that weren’t raised by two supportive parents, or maybe have no living parents at all. There are people who lose their job or don’t receive a promotion because the color of their skin, or because of who they love. There are people who are told they are “illegal” or an “abomination.” Achieving the same things I have achieved takes a lot more work — the path for them isn’t as smooth or straight as mine. These people are our neighbors, friends, and family. And it isn’t enough for us to just talk about loving them. We must act.

You’re both so special, so amazing, and you have so much potential. I want to make the world a better place for you, to hand you a world that doesn’t suffer from the threat of warming oceans, that experiences less injustice, and is full of tolerance. Most of all, one day I want to pass to you the torch I’m carrying today — the responsibility of protecting family values — the values we talk about in our home:

Remember when we explained that sometimes a girl can love another girl or a boy can love another boy? And that’s ok, but some people don’t think it is, and they try to hurt those people or call them names. We must speak up for love and respect.

Remember when we talked about how sometimes people get sick and they don’t have a doctor to take care of them because they don’t have the money to pay for it? We must speak up for dignity and compassion.

In our home we believe in valuing and accepting people for who they are, and ensuring that every person in this country is given the respect, dignity, and compassion that they deserve.

These are our family’s values.

Not too recent, but one of my favs

Girls, I’m dedicating this campaign to you. You’ve missed having me around the house, and I’ve missed being able to sing to you and kiss you at bedtime. I hope one day you understand why we are making this sacrifice together. We will stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, and will be a voice for those who need our voices to amplify theirs. We will use our privilege for good.

One day you may hold a little person in your arms, just as I have held you. And I hope on that day, you’ll be ready to give them a world better than the one I’m giving you. Just promise me that you’ll pass on to them our family’s values.



P.S. Stay silly forever.



Will Fisher

Attorney, husband, dad of 2 future activists, and modern Democrat. Candidate for US House of Representatives in Texas' 24th Congressional District.