Mastering Network Reconnaissance with Nmap: A Comprehensive Guide

3 min readAug 6, 2024


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Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source tool for network discovery and security auditing. This guide will walk you through the process of using Nmap to discover open ports, identify services, and detect vulnerabilities.

1. Installing Nmap

Before we begin, ensure Nmap is installed on your system.

  • For Linux: sudo apt-get install nmap
  • For macOS: brew install nmap
  • For Windows: Download the installer from

2. Basic Port Scanning

Let’s start with a simple port scan:

nmap <target_ip>

This command scans the 1000 most common ports. For a more comprehensive scan:

nmap -p- <target_ip>

This scans all 65535 ports, which takes longer but is more thorough.

3. Service/Version Detection

To identify services running on open ports:

nmap -sV

This performs version scanning, attempting to determine the service/version info for open ports.

4. Operating System Detection

To guess the target’s operating system:

sudo nmap -O

Note: This requires root privileges on Unix-like systems.

5. Combining Scans

For a comprehensive scan that includes OS detection, version scanning, and script scanning:

nmap -A

6. Output Options

Save your results for later analysis:

nmap -oN output.txt

This saves the output in normal format. Use -oX for XML output or -oG for grepable output.

7. Vulnerability Scanning

Nmap’s Scripting Engine (NSE) can detect vulnerabilities:

nmap --script vuln

This runs vulnerability-related scripts against the target.

8. Stealth Scanning

For a more discreet approach, use SYN scanning:

sudo nmap -sS

This performs a SYN scan, which is less likely to be logged by the target.

9. Timing and Performance

Control the scan timing for speed or stealth:

nmap -T4

T0 is slowest and stealthiest, T5 is fastest and noisiest.

10. Script Usage

Nmap has a vast library of scripts for various purposes:

nmap --script=http-enum

This example enumerates HTTP services.

11. Putting It All Together

A comprehensive scan might look like this:

sudo nmap -sV -sC -O -p- -T4 --script vuln -oN full_scan.txt

This performs:

  • Service/version detection (-sV)
  • Default script scan (-sC)
  • OS detection (-O)
  • All ports scan (-p-)
  • Aggressive timing (-T4)
  • Vulnerability scripts ( — script vuln)
  • Saves output to full_scan.txt (-oN)

12. Advanced Port Scanning Techniques

Idle Scan

The idle scan is a stealthy way to scan a target using a zombie host:

sudo nmap -sI

FTP Bounce Scan

Exploit vulnerable FTP servers to port scan other hosts:

nmap -b ftp:password@

13. Custom NSE Script Development

Create your own NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) scripts for specialized tasks:

  1. Write your script in Lua, e.g., custom-script.nse:
description = [[
Custom script to check for a specific vulnerability.

-- The rest of your Lua code here

action = function(host, port)
-- Your scan logic here
  1. Place the script in the Nmap scripts directory (usually /usr/share/nmap/scripts/).
  2. Run your custom script:
nmap --script custom-script

14. Network Mapping and Visualization

Generate network topology maps using Nmap’s output:

# Perform a scan with XML output:
nmap -sn -oX network_scan.xml

# Use xsltproc to visualize the network:
xsltproc network_scan.xml -o network_map.html

15. Timing Templates and Parallelization

Optimize scanning speed and stealth:

nmap -T4 -min-parallelism 100 -max-parallelism 256

16. Firewall/IDS Evasion Techniques


Split TCP headers over several packets:

nmap -f

Decoy Scanning

Generate decoy scans to confuse IDS systems:

nmap -D RND:10

17. IPv6 Scanning

Scan IPv6 networks:

nmap -6 2001:db8::1

18. Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Automation

Create a script to automate complex scanning scenarios:


nmap -sV -sC -p- $target -oN initial_scan.txt
open_ports=$(grep "open" initial_scan.txt | cut -d'/' -f1 | tr '\n' ',')
nmap -sV -sC -p$open_ports --script vuln $target -oN vulnerability_scan.txt

Save this as and run it with ./

19. Integration with Other Tools

Combine Nmap with other security tools:

# Identify web servers:
nmap -p 80,443 --open -oG web_servers.txt

# Feed results into Nikto:
cat web_servers.txt | grep Http | cut -d' ' -f2 | nikto -h -

20. Nmap in the Cloud

Adapt Nmap for cloud environments:

# Scan AWS EC2 instances:
nmap -sV -p- $(aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress' --output text)

Remember to always use these methods ethically and with proper authorization. The power of these tools comes with the responsibility to use them correctly and legally.

