Will Facebook face the same consequence as MySpace did?

William Greenwood
2 min readSep 30, 2016


Facebook spread like an epidemic everywhere. Recently, researchers from Princeton University found that the social network leader will lose 80 percent users. And they said it will happen by coming 2017–2018 . Facebook became 12 years old in this year.


In comparison to MySpace and Bebo, Facebook is dominating the online networking world for a long period of time. But, the university researchers claim that users of Facebook are tardily losing their interest to use Facebook.


Mechanical engineer and Material scientist John Cannarella and Joshua A. Spechler came to this decision examining Facebook search on Google.They conducted the research in 2014.

In the research Cannarella and Spechler used SIR (Susceptible, infectious, recovered) model. Normally, researchers apply this method to conduct medical or clinical research.

Though application of SIR method is confusing but it is proved as fruitful. Prior to using this method on Facebook, researchers applied it on MySpace and it worked.

MySpace was launched in 2003. In 2007 the social networking site got 3 hundred million users. Consequently, it reached the peak in 2008. However, in 2011 the online networking site drastically fell to almost no users.

However, still 87 million people use Facebook alone from Smartphones. And the company made 19.93 billion dollars last year.

