Streamlining the Investment Journey: Enhancing the Broker Experience

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness with a Consolidated Portal Experience

William Man
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

The client, who for NDA purposes will remain unnamed, approached us with the goal of creating a cohesive and user-friendly portal experience for their brokers: consolidating four separate pre-existing portal experiences into one streamlined platform.

The brokers using the portal would be conducting interviews with potential buyers in order to find the best product for their needs, so it was important for the portal to have all the necessary information in one place.

Additionally, the brokers would be using the portal on their portable laptop devices, which meant that limited responsive design had to be factored into the screens.

Design Solutions

Comparison Tool

One of the key features of the portal was the Comparison Tool. This tool allowed brokers to quickly evaluate different options for their clients, which user feedback has indicated was highly used.

The design approach to the Comparison Tool was focused on creating a user-friendly interface that was easy to navigate and understand.

Lifecycle Manager

Once an order was placed, brokers could use the Lifecycle Manager to track its performance. This was presented in a data table format, allowing brokers to quickly scan all relevant information.

The design approach for the Lifecycle Manager was focused on presenting information in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for brokers to quickly find what they were looking for.

Learning Center

The “Learning Center” was a consolidation of three separate pages, which was streamlined into a linear learning process and training repository. The goal of this was to reduce the number of clicks and certifications that brokers needed to keep straight, allowing them to always stay on top of their education to sell.

The design approach for the Learning Center was focused on creating a user-friendly and engaging learning experience for brokers.


The dashboard experience was created last to ensure that the other sections of the portal were validated in testing before it was tackled. The goal was to make the dashboard provide all the information in an actionable format, leading users to the Lifecycle Manager, Creation Tool, Comparison Tool, and other areas in the portal as needed.

The portal was a huge success, with brokers reporting that they were able to find the information they needed quickly and easily. The Comparison Tool was highly valued, as it allowed brokers to find the best product for each client, while the Lifecycle Manager provided a clear overview of product performance.

The Learning Center was also well received, with brokers reporting that they appreciated having all the necessary information in one place. Overall, the portal provided a cohesive and user-friendly experience for brokers, allowing them to work more efficiently and effectively.

