William Lehutjo
3 min readJan 20, 2018


We go through different phases in our lives. Each phase allows us to discover something new about ourselves. As we grow we learn more about ourselves and the world, but that is predicated on our willingness to be conscious about the internal and external universe.

There are people who are committed to grow their intellect and discover new things about the universe. These people want to not only improve their lives but also set an example to others- to show them they can do it too.

There are people who don’t want to grow. They keep going back to the same place they were in the past. They dictate and judge others for their life choices. They don’t want to be extraordinary, instead remain mediocre.

Intellectual growth is significant to success. The world needs people who are committed to improving their lives and those of others.

The world needs visionaries.

You need a visionary.

If you can’t find one, then be one.

I have found that asking questions is an essential part of life. It helps you grow intellectually. The more you ask, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you win. A great way to succeed is to ask about the things that you need to be successful.

We weren’t born programmed with all the information we need to make our dreams come true. We were born knowing nothing. We were born blank books.

I realised one day that I was inquisitive. That realisation made me want to be more inquisitive because of the impact inquisitiveness was having on my life.

I had to tell myself so many times that asking questions does not make me stupid or foolish.

The world will tell you that when you don’t know something, you are stupid.

It will try to convince you that your inquisitive nature is wrong.

Asking questions is more important than stereotypical people think.

There was one time at school where we were doing presentations. During the course of the presentations, our lecturer told us that asking the ‘presenters’ questions will count towards our assignments. So after doing my presentation, I started asking questions.

When the rest of the class realised I have been asking questions non-stop, they started to get annoyed.

I was asking question after question after question.

Just as the last student was about to proceed with her presentation, I told myself I wasn’t going to ask any more questions and then something crazy happened……

When she was done presenting, she looked at me and asked me to ask her a question.

I was shocked because of the prior annoyance I caused among the students. I then proceeded to ask her the question.

The noise is too much. People will not like your inquisitive nature, and that’s okay. Just be who you are and leave the world to judge and dislike you from the shadows.

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William Lehutjo

Love discovering new things | Hoping to inspire people to change their mindsets to experience extraordinary success