My dearest Sylvia the cat

William Michael Williamson
5 min readNov 24, 2022
Photo by author

My earliest memories of being around a cat were not pleasant ones. The scratches, sneezing and itchy eyes were enough to make me really dislike cats at a very young age. Plus, we had a family dog that everyone thought was just adorable.

Who could possibly get enjoyment from a cat? I continued to be a dog lover simply because that was the type of people that I surrounded myself with. I also was less allergic to dogs.

Many years went by and my girlfriend at the time had like 4 or 5 cats. Every time I was at her house, I felt tightness in my chest and started gasping for air. This was not good for my viewpoints on cats as it was more important for me to be able to breathe than anything else and I had no problem with them existing just not around me.

It came time at a point for my girlfriend to downsize living spaces. All the pets were relocated to new homes except for one dog. Another dog was picked up after that relocation, but I could certainly handle that as I was a dog person still at that point.

Things got complicated down the road when my girlfriend's daughter wanted a cat. She absolutely loved pets. Dogs, cats it didn’t matter. She just really had a big heart for them.

It came time for me and my girlfriend to merge households and I made a stern recommendation that there would be no pets not…



William Michael Williamson

I am interested in sharing my life experiences through my writings. I have had some challenging, but sometimes enlightening times as someone with bipolar.