Blockchain & The Machine Learning

2 min readDec 13, 2017


The adoption of Blockchain and its immense potential will disrupt and transform the world of money, business, and society using a variety of applications. The blockchain is designed specifically to accelerate and simplify the process of how transactions are recorded. This means that any type of asset can be transparently transacted using this completely decentralized system.

When we combine Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain together, the latter can benefit from AI’s ability to accelerate the analysis of an enormous amount of data. And potentially create a totally new paradigm. By using ML and AI to govern the chain, there’s also an opportunity to significantly enhance security. Further, as Machine Learning loves to work with a lot of data, it creates an opportunity to build better models by taking advantage of the decentralized nature of blockchains.

This combination can be a game changer for the finance and insurance industries as it could be used as a tool to identify fraud. It can also benefit other industries far beyond finance and insurance because of a shared ledger system.

Sharpe Capital is currently incorporating AI, machine learning and linguistic analysis with the crowd-sourced sentiment indications received from platform participants.

Sharpe Capital is a blockchain-based investment company with focus on creating multiple approaches to understanding the market dynamics of both equities and blockchain assets. It comprises of two parts. The first is a prediction platform where participants will receive Ether payments for all correct predictions of market movements. These predictions will inform the quantitative trading models of the Sharpe Capital investment platform.

The data generated from sentiment analysis and the linguistic analysis will be sold to buyers like investment funds and researchers. Sharpe Capital is also creating internal auditing tools and enterprise-grade blockchain solutions for hedge funds and corporate clients for transparency and accountability.

Sharpe Capital’s Rewards for prediction without the loss of stake is a massive incentive for users to participate on the platform compare to other platforms with loss of stake if they prediction is wrong.

Sharpe Capital is the enterprise-grade blockchain solutions for hedge funds and corporate clients especially to improve trust and security in the financial industry.

