Why I am excited about She-Hulk

Willow Dickerson
5 min readFeb 12, 2022
Photo by Ussama Azam on Unsplash

When Marvel first announced the start of what would become the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I was excited. I grew up in the days when the closest you could come to see your favorite superheroes was Spiderman and His Amazing Friends on Saturday morning cartoons. Those adventures were fun, but even a bit campy in those days. After that, we had to suffer through some truly terrible adaptations. David Hasselhoff was the worst possible choice to play Nick Fury, and we can just ignore the Generation X made-for-TV movie that Fox produced.

There were glimmers of hope out there. Christopher Reeves made the ’70s believe that a man could fly. Michael Keaton presented a darker approach to the superhero world that brought audiences to the theaters. Fortunately for Marvel, Wesley Snipes showed us that Marvel could also make their larger-than-life characters live on the screens.

As the Avengers story line started to build, I was disappointed that only one woman was taking an active part in the movies. Scarlett Johansen was great, but I was hoping for one character to show up in the Marvel Universe. I was looking for the jade giantess, She-Hulk.

For those of you that don’t know the history of She-Hulk, let’s go over her two different origins:

First, we can look at the canonical text from Marvel comics. In an attempt to get some…



Willow Dickerson

I am genderfluid and a huge nerd. Expect lots of conversations about gender as well as whatever nerdy topic comes to mind. Right now I am on a huge She-hulk run