Today I launched my Linkedin Lead Generation Service

How does 60–120 warm leads for your B2B business sound?

I am hugely excited to announce that Win At LinkedIn now provides a Linkedin lead generation service that guarantees B2B organisations 60–120 warm introductions to pre-qualified buyers on Linkedin, within 45 days.

Why a Linkedin Lead Generation Service?

Since starting Win At Linkedin, I’ve increasingly seen that many B2B businesses come to me because they’ve struggled to generate leads. There are lots of reasons for this, but often its because they’ve committed to lead generation strategies that either don’t work — or don’t work well (or quickly) enough.

Let’s have a look at the typical B2B lead generation strategies and their weaknesses:

  • Content marketing: Nowadays, everyone is blogging — there is too much content out there for your posts to be found by your buyers. Furthermore, content marketing is a huge time investment: 4–5 hrs to research, write and publish a new post, only to find no-one reads or shares it.
  • Pay-per-click (Google/Facebook/Twitter): PPC on these networks is a helpful way to get your organisation in front of target buyers, however the problem is that they are terrible at targeting BUSINESS professionals.
  • SEO: SEO takes a long time to show success — often up to six months — and you are at the mercy of the quarterly Google algorithm updates. One moment you can be in the ‘Top 10’ search results for a key term, the next moment Google will have dropped your page to the sixth page.
  • Cold email outreach: It’s getting increasingly harder to do cold email at scale because of GDPR and inboxes getting better at catching spam.
  • Cold calling & telemarketing: Unless you’re Grant Cardone, then it’s a numbers game. Burning through lists of unqualified prospects that have shown no initial interest in your product is no way to build a pipeline for your sales team.

Why is LinkedIn best for B2B lead generation?

All the above methods are adequate, but they simply don’t work as quickly as direct outreach on LinkedIn.

Linkedin is home to 500 million professionals — 49% of which are decision-makers with budget. Imagine that: 500 million people just sitting there ready to learn about your product or service. A captive audience with money. Better yet, you can use Linkedin to filter down those people to find exactly the right people at the right companies that match your Ideal Customer Profile.

Compare that to all the other ways you’ve been using to find new B2B leads. LinkedIn is by far the easiest way to find and engage with the your target buyers.

You just need a system to:

i) Find the right prospects

ii) Connect with the right prospects

iii) Generate interest from the right prospects

You need Win At LinkedIn’s lead generation service.

How does the Linkedin lead generation service work?

First, we use a questionnaire and a Skype call to work with you to help you develop the attributes of your ideal customer.

Based on these attributes, we compile a prospect list of your ideal customer using LinkedIn’s search features based on:

  • Job Titles
  • Industries
  • Company Size
  • Company Name
  • Location
  • Keywords.

Secondly, with the ideal customer prospect list, our campaign managers connect with prospects and initiate strategic conversations with them using pre-approved messages about your product/service.

Finally, when they make an explicit expression of interest to learn more about your product or service (i.e. become a lead), we add you to the conversation to follow up.

Unlike other Linkedin lead generation agencies, we do not access your Linkedin profile or use automation software to send out messages on your behalf that may getting you banned by Linkedin.

What results does the Linkedin lead generation service guarantee?

Whilst today marks the public launch of Win At Linkedin’s lead generation service, it’s actually been operating in ‘stealth mode’ for some time.

Lead generation campaigns for early clients including Middle Market Alliance, Ritex Inc., Level Interactive and ThePMTutor.commean to-date we have already generated over 3,000 accepted leads.

In short, it works and I look forward to showing you how your own organisation can get 60–120 leads within 45 days, using our Linkedin lead generation service.

Do you want 60+ introductions to buyers that are interested in your product or service?

My name is Jonny Rose and I’m the founder of Win At LinkedIn, a LinkedIn lead generation service that guarantees B2B organisations 60–120 warm introductions to qualified buyers on Linkedin, within 45 days.

To get started, go here.



Win At LinkedIn (The World's Top LinkedIn Coach)

LinkedIn coaching for B2B service providers. Follow this account to start generating leads, nurturing prospects and closing deals like a PRO with LinkedIn. 🧐