Let’s get acquainted with the basic concepts from the world of gambling :-)

1 min readJun 6, 2018



The total amount bet during the time on table on wager.

Active Player

A player who is still in play.

Adding On

Freedom to buy more chips.

Aggregate Limit

The overall payout liability during a game by casino.

All or Nothing

A player will win if he has all the cards. Like in Keno, winner is proclaimed if player has all the numbers or would go empty handed.


The minimum amount of bet placed on wager by every player to commence the game. Especially, in poker.


It is a technique to throw dice in such a way to get desired number towards the far end of wall. The player who posses this technique is said to have Golden Arm. It is mostly used in game of craps.

Automatic Club

A casino not requiring a dealer or operator and is fully automatic.

