1 min readMay 15, 2018

The other day, China announced its plans for the development of gambling business on the island of Hainan💲.

The statement was made by the Xinhua News Agency after the approval by the Central Committee of China of the reforms proposed by the Communist Party and the State Council.

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping also supports legislative changes that call for the legalization of horse races and lotteries within the framework of expanding national reforms of openness. This corresponds to the plans of turning the region into a popular international tourist destination, as well as an ecological zone🌲.

Hainan is the smallest province in the south of China, which includes a large island of the same name and several smaller islands. The main island is located in the tropical climate zone: there is a long summer and there is absolutely no winter. Therefore, Hainan already today is one of the largest international centers of beach tourism.

The idea of ​​Hainan development is to create a free economic zone like Singapore and Hong Kong. These reforms are aimed at developing the island’s economy owing to foreign financial receipts. And gambling, in turn, will help to increase its tourist attractiveness👪.