The Buena Valley Apartments Stories

David Urbina
1 min readDec 31, 2019


The illustration for this post was created by Chuna.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. León and Laura Stories (In Chronological Order)
  3. Other Tenant Stories (In Publication Order)
  4. Relative Timeline


Collected here are flash fiction and short stories about the tenants of The Buena Valley Apartments. This page will be updated as stories are published on Medium.

Most of these stories are also paired with a custom illustration. I encourage anyone and everyone to look further into the work by the artist credited in the story.

Thank you for your time in reading these stories.

León and Laura Stories (In Chronological Order)

Childhood Stories

Relative Timeline

Below is the relative timeline of events in this collection of stories. Interaction with this embedded timeline might not be so great on mobile devices, so I encourage interacting with it on a computer.

