Privacy & Data Protection — The Fourth of The “Things Wink Will Never Compromise On”

Wink Social App
4 min readDec 4, 2018


Caution! We’re approaching a sensitive, and even controversial, subject: ‘Privacy & Data Protection’.

Some would probably say it is not the best idea. Some may be right. The subject has caused quite some turmoil lately. We’re not saying it is not a dangerous one, but that it is a fairly unavoidable one in the realm of social networking. Breath easy, we’re going to tackle this one with caution.

We’re not really sure what you have in mind when you think of Privacy & Data Protection. Honestly, it would be too hard to guess. We’d much better tell you what we think when we say ‘Privacy & Data Protection’ and you tell us if it’s the same or different from what you think.

(The fact is, the subject is extensive and we won’t cover enough of it. We’d love to engage in conversation with you on the subject, so all and any ideas are welcome at, in the responses below or on our social media accounts.)

It would be a waste of your time and ours to start talking about what is wrong with how our Privacy is being ‘respected’ these days. Articles all over the Internet have done it already. Not to mention, a lot of us have experienced it.

We’re planning on doing something right for a change. Wink is and will always be a privacy conscious social network created to protect and elevate the user’s experience. The users are the ones who have full control over their privacy and they will be in the know about how their data is handled. Power of decision and transparency. That’s what we want.

We’re more and more under the impression that we live in an oversharing culture, where everything seems to be worth sharing with the entire world. Well, we believe not all is worth sharing with every human being. That some things have too much worth to be shared with the entire globe. There are some things that are better left unshared. Some things are better kept in an inside circle.

By its very nature, the app was designed not to include the whole world, but just your world. There’s going to be just you and those you spend time with: your family, your close friends and maybe some dear co-workers. People you do life with. So here is one way to hold on to privacy: have your virtual life mirror you actual life; only show your content to those you know.

Talking about content, you choose not only what you post (of course), but who sees what you post. This might sound common, but hear us out. You have by now restricted the visibility to just the people you care about. It is time to choose if you want you content to be visible by just the people who were part of that experience, or slightly expand it to include certain friends or all of your other friends.

Let’s just pretend for a minute that you and your sibling go to this amazing game you’ve always wanted to see since you were kids. You get to go and create this amazing memory between the two of you. It’s a big thing for your family. Other than your sibling, you also invite your mom and dad, so they can be as thrilled as you are that you got to do what you’ve always wanted.

What we mean is, visibility of content is in your hands. And your content will be safely guarded until you want to see it again and again. We are using industry standard practices to ensure every experience you have is in good hands.

The bottom line is, we respect your privacy to the fullest. The decisions we take have this as a reference: respect to your privacy. Because we’ve known and experienced how disappointing and frustrating it is not to have it.

We are now and we will remain transparent about all of our policies or changes in that policy when it comes to Privacy & Data Protection (and anything else for that matter). The way we handle your data and content will be clearly disclosed. We want to make sure you will always know what you are getting yourself into. And if you don’t like it, we understand! We will work on giving you a reasonable alternative. We think it will never get to that!

If you think this kind of privacy is what you are looking for, you can pre-register at to become an insider and make Wink a reality for you and everyone. You can also follow us (in moderation) on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and always know where we’re at.

We’re in this together,

The Team Powering Wink

