3 Simple Ideas That Will Make It Easy To Write Your Book Now

Linda Clay
3 min readNov 6, 2017


By now you know that a book is one of the most powerful tools for you as an entrepreneur. It not only establishes your expertise in your market, but it also helps to expand your audience.

In addition, it’s one of the best ways to get the attention of the mainstream press outlets, influential bloggers and podcasters plus opens up opportunities to land paid speaking engagements.

There is absolutely no downside to writing a book. If you haven’t already, you can grab my free “Guide to Launching a Best Seller” here.

Okay, consider the downside ..The actual writing of it.

You might not think of yourself as a writer and believe the benefits are out of your reach. But that can’t be further from the truth. There are options even for non-writers!

Here’s 3 options for those of us who feel we are a non-writers:


One of the easiest and most popular options you have available, is to make use of the hundreds and even thousands of pages of content you’ve already created.

Yep, your blog posts. There’s virtually no writing involved. Sure, you might need to tweak the flow alittle and update the ideas. But when you are done, you’ll have a ready-made book just waiting to be put together.

I hear your mind clicking away with the question, “Why would anyone buy a book that literally comes from my blog?’

With as hectic as life is today, people are looking for things that will help them get a handle on their daily life. They’ll pay for well organized information that helps to make their life easier. Even if that information is available elsewhere for free.

Darren Rowse of Problogger.net used this very technique and published his extremely popular “31 Days to Build a Better Blog using his past blogs.” More than 19,000 bloggers have gone through his 31 day challenge.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” — Louis L’Amour Click To Tweet

Use Private Label Content.

Perhaps the challenge is you don’t have enough content to repurpose?

It’s really not a problem. There are companies such as CoachGlue.com or PLR.Me that specialize in creating content that you can license and use as your own.

Private label rights or PLR’s are (depending on who you buy from) of high quality, well researched content that is the perfect starting point for your book.

Just a couple of reminders about PLR’s. They are sold to more than one person, so it’s important to remember to edit the content. Adding not only your voice but your unique views and make sure to include your personality.

In addition, remember that using PLR’s to publish a book on Kindle is a violation of their terms of service.


Last but least you could hire a ghostwriter. It’s an excellent alternative to getting a book written without you doing the actual work. Working with these professionals, you’ll be able to create a book that is uniquely yours. Your name will be on it and you won’t have typed a word.

Listing a published book on your entrepreneurial resume will help to increase your business growth.

You’ll see more clients, an expandation of your audience reach and you could even attract some press!

None of this will happen, of course, unless you write a book. If you missed my recent post on the How To Overcome Your Excuses And Smash Your Book-Writing Hurdle you can check it out here.

So pick an idea and write your book! You have nothing to lose and more to gain. You will never regret the decision!

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou Click To Tweet

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xo Linda


