WitchCraft magic journey, unlock powerful magic power

3 min readApr 28, 2023


WitchCraft Platform

WitchCraft is a magical game world platform built on Arbitrum,it is dedicated to creating various magic and witchcraft games. To begin the journey, you need to create your own unique witch (magician) image first on the WitchCraft platform. And then you can begin your adventure in the WitchCraft game world.

The WitchCraft platform will create and combine various magic and wizard games, allowing users to experience all the games in WitchCraft with the characters they create on the platform, and freely roam in the magical game world. The WitchCraft platform is the intermediate station and bridge that connects all the games, and it is also a place for players to communicate and exchange. Players can use the trading system within the platform to trade various props, equipment, and NFT obtained in the games with other users. All these application scenarios in the games collectively form the mysterious wizarding continent — WitchCraft.

The Background of WitchCraft World

A long time ago, on this mysterious continent, there existed a magical power. Initially, magic circulated in all living beings, humans, elves, orcs, dragons, dwarves, and they could all use magic.

However, over time, this power became increasingly scarce, and ultimately only a few races had the talent to use magic. So, these gifted people became rulers of this world. They created the world of WitchCraft, using magic to create a rich and colorful culture and way of life. People can communicate and learn magic in WitchCraft, or trade rare magic items obtained in game.

However, magic also brought many troubles. Some people possessed powerful magic, and abusing magic could pose a great threat to the entire world. Therefore, the major cities of the witching world began to organize magical emissaries (world administrators) to ensure the legal use of magic to protect the safety of ordinary people. They established dedicated magic offices and magic emissaries to maintain discipline. Since then, the world of WitchCraft has entered a new era, without endless strife and chaos.

Nowadays, people systematically learn magic in WitchCraft, communicate and learn from each other, and improve their experience. With the continuous improvement of social systems such as transactions, people’s lives in WitchCraft are becoming more and more colorful…

Are you ready to join the WitchCraft platform? The first game based on it is ready to launch soon!

About WitchCraft

WitchCraft is a gamefi platform built on Layer 2 scaling solutions represented by Arbitrum, aiming to create an innovative game world with unique witchcraft and magical elements for users. Its first P2E game Montplaisir School of Magic is ready to launch,which combines NFT card collection, development, and battle gameplay.

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WitchCraft is dedicated to creating games with witchcraft & magics. Its first game Montplaisir School of Magic is ready to launch.