Our seed round and what this means for you, our beloved user.

3 min readNov 20, 2017


It was only a little over year ago that Juan and I embarked on a mission to build Sunlight. Looking back at the past 14 or so months of the journey, one thing that has become abundantly clear to me is that the key to succeeding in startups -and probably in life as well-, is to surround yourself with an amazing group of people. Your first backer. Those amazingly supportive first customers. Generous strangers with free advice. A team you can count on. Family. Friends.

And of course… some deep-pocketed investors. Who are preferably nice. Believe in your vision. Have an impeccable reputation. Are kickass operators. And are just genuinely some of the nicest people you’ve ever met.

At Sunlight, we’ve been fortunate enough to tick all of those boxes. From having pitched Seedcamp, to closing Lost my name (now Wonderbly), hearing advice from over 120 different mentors and building a product alongside the most talented teams I’ve ever worked with. It’s only very recently that we also got the chance to meet Speedinvest and close a $600k seed round alongside Seedcamp, Annection and Charles Willes (an old friend from Techstars).

On a high level to you, this means that we will be building Sunlight into a tool you can love even more. That solves more problems with less hassle. That helps grow your people. And that unlocks the potential in your team to do something great for the world.

So…. We’ve heard you loud and clear, what’s cooking? In the next 3 months, these are some of the things you can expect to see when using Sunlight:

  • Very soon we will be rolling out multicurrency and multilanguage! This not only means you will be able to use Sunlight in Euros and GBP but also set everything in Dutch and Mandarin (if that’s your thing).
  • Improved slack integration which will now include the ability to review purchased resources directly from Slack.
  • A full fledged recommendation engine! Meaning will try to make smarter, more relevant options available to you based on all the things we see you are interested in and similar profiles in the industry.
  • Skill tracking and role mapping. Wonder what it means to be amazing at your current role or what would it take to transition into a new one? We’ll provide a bit more insight into these 2 questions.
  • The ability to add in private resources just for your internal team’s consumption.
  • A new and improved interface to accommodate all these new features in the best possible way.

It would be hard to imagine us getting this far without your continued support. So beyond just briefly letting you know our news and plans for the immediate future, my biggest motivation in writing this now is to thank you all. We couldn’t be more excited about what’s to come, nor more grateful of what we have now.

Thank you for using Sunlight. We’ll keep you posted!




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