Behind the Mask: The Journey, Vision, and Future of an Anonymous Woman on a Mission of Women Empowerment

Mary Smith
19 min readSep 2, 2023


Hey World, It’s Mary Smith Here! (But Not Really 🤫)

You might be wondering why I started this blog post with a paradox. It’s because, despite being an anonymous figure, I want to connect with you all on a personal level. I am Mary Smith — an Anonymous Women Empowerment Influencer and Serial Business Owner who’s making waves from Dubai to Down Under.

So, who am I, and what’s my story?

Well, I was born and raised in the USA, but my life journey has taken me to some remarkable places.
Let me share the secret sauce that has shaped my multi-million dollar businesses, all while staying completely anonymous. Intrigued? Keep reading.

The American Dream in Reverse

I was born in the land of opportunities, but I found my calling across oceans.

Don’t get me wrong.
I love my maternal home, and it’s where my core values were instilled.
But life is a voyage, right?
So I set sail and chose Dubai as my port.

American Dream
Photo by Reba Spike on Unsplash

Why Dubai?

Dubai isn’t just the city of skyscrapers; it’s a melting pot of cultures, and believe me, business here is always booming.

It’s more than a home; it’s a business haven that taught me the first rule of entrepreneurship — adapt or perish.
And oh boy, did I adapt!

Photo by Darcey Beau on Unsplash

Passions and Hobbies

When I’m not running businesses, you’ll find me exploring the local art scenes.

Or perhaps diving into the culinary world.
I love cooking; it’s therapeutic.
Did you know that Dubai has some of the world’s best spice markets?

Or maybe I’ll be enjoying a cozy reading nook, indulging in world literature.

To me, hobbies aren’t just pastimes; they are avenues for growth and creativity that fuel my business ventures.

Side Hustles Are My Jam

People say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
I say, “Put your eggs in multiple, high-quality, hand-woven baskets.”

I’ve got a thing for side hustles; they’re like your financial BFFs.
From a small digital marketing agency to an e-commerce store selling sustainable fashion, my portfolio is as diverse as it gets.

Women Empowerment: My True North

If there’s one thing I’m passionate about, it’s women empowerment.

Because empowered women empower women.

So, what’s the game plan?

- Skill Training: From coding to public speaking, skills are the new currency. Let’s make women rich in skills!

- Financial Independence: Budgeting workshops, investment seminars, you name it. Knowledge is power, and financial knowledge is superpower.

  • Mental Health Resources: Mindfulness isn’t a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Let’s build a community that not just survives but thrives.
Women Empowerment by Mary Smith
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Anonymity: My Invisible Cape

I choose to be anonymous because it lets the message take the spotlight, not the messenger.

It’s not about the applause or recognition; it’s about the ripple effect.

The name ‘Mary Smith’ might not ring a bell, but the change it triggers will create a symphony.

The Million Dollar Question: How Did I Do It?

Resilience. Perseverance. Grit.

Build a vision, make a plan, and hustle until your dream turns into reality.

Starting from a humble home office, my business in Australia now has a global footprint.

And if I can do it while being anonymous, trust me, so can you.

That’s enough about me for now. In this blog, we’ll delve into everything from entrepreneurship hacks to lifestyle tips. Most importantly, we’ll explore how to keep empowering women because that’s a mission that never goes out of style.

Ready to join the journey? Because, my friend, we’re just getting started. Here we go …

Yes That’s what we need to along with Health Relationship and Happiness

Business in Australia: The Land Down Under Done Right

So, why did I choose Australia as my business base, you might wonder?

Australia isn’t just about kangaroos and the Outback. It’s an entrepreneurial goldmine.

The ease of doing business there is unparalleled.

Moreover, Australia has always been a pioneer in innovation and technology.

It’s a marketplace that values quality and ethics — traits that resonate with me.

Australian Business

The Art of Staying Anonymous While Running a Million-Dollar Business

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how I maintain anonymity while running a business, I’d probably have another million by now.

Key contracts? Virtual signatures.

Board meetings? Video calls with a pseudonym.

Handling employees? A trustworthy operational team that respects my choice of staying under the radar.

In today’s digital age, anything is possible. You just have to be savvy about it.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yes, I do have a life outside my business endeavors and activism.

Café hopping is my weekend ritual. Nothing beats a cup of artisanal coffee.

Another fun fact: I am an art collector. From Renaissance to Modernism, I adore it all.

And then there’s yoga. It’s not just an exercise; it’s a philosophy that helps me stay grounded.

Why Empower Women? Why Not!

We live in a world where, sadly, gender gaps still exist. But the question is, why should they?

There is ample evidence to prove that when women are empowered, societies prosper.

For instance, according to a study by McKinsey, closing the gender gap could add $28 trillion to the global GDP by 2025.

Isn’t that reason enough to push for women’s rights?

Roadmap to Empowerment: My Vision

Now that we’ve talked about why women’s empowerment is vital, let’s talk strategy.

1. Community Building: Let’s form alliances. Women supporting women can create wonders.

2. Educational Scholarships: Investing in a woman’s education is investing in the future.

3. Creating Safe Spaces: From online platforms to physical cafes, let’s design spaces where women can connect and collaborate.

4. Micro-Financing: Small loans can make big dreams come true. Let’s facilitate that.

The Power of Positivity

Positivity isn’t just a state of mind; it’s a catalyst for change.

Have you ever noticed how a positive outlook can drastically alter your day?

I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction.

What you think, you become.

It might sound like a cliché, but hey, clichés are clichés for a reason.

How Do I Stay Motivated?

Being an entrepreneur and an activist is a long-haul journey, and staying motivated is key.

A vision board right in front of my workspace keeps me focused.

Podcasts are my daily dose of inspiration. From TED Talks to self-help gurus, they are my go-to mood lifters.

But most importantly, the testimonials and success stories from the women we manage to empower — that’s what fuels me every single day.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

What’s Next?

I’m launching a mentorship program. Think of it as a Tinder for career growth, but with a twist.

I am also working on a series of e-books that focus on women empowerment, financial literacy, and self-care.

So, are you ready for what’s coming?

Busting Myths Around Anonymity

Anonymity often carries a shroud of mystery and, unfortunately, skepticism.

Is it for real?
Is it trustworthy?
Why the need for a cloak and dagger?

Here’s my take — your identity isn’t what makes your actions effective; your intent and execution do.

Being anonymous gives me the freedom to make a difference without personal biases influencing the cause.

Plus, it adds an extra layer of excitement, doesn’t it?

Networking: The Hidden Treasure in Business

Let’s shift gears and talk business.

Ever heard the saying, “Your network is your net worth”?

It’s not just a catchy phrase; it’s a business mantra I swear by.

LinkedIn, industry events, webinars — networking can happen anywhere.

Connections don’t just open doors; they build entire hallways.

The Secret Ingredient: Work-Life Balance

Managing multiple businesses and advocacies requires an insane amount of work.

But here’s a secret — maintaining a work-life balance isn’t a myth; it’s very attainable.

Regular breaks, vacation getaways, and even simple walks in the park are staples in my calendar.

Balance isn’t just about time; it’s about energy management.

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

My Bookshelf: The Library That Fuels Me

Reading is not just a hobby; it’s a form of empowerment.

From Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own” to Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In,” my bookshelf is filled with wisdom that transcends time and gender.

Books aren’t just pages filled with text; they’re windows to different worlds and perspectives.

Advancing the Empowerment Agenda: Long-term Goals

But what’s the endgame? What’s the vision?

Let’s dive into some long-term goals for empowering women:

- Global Partnerships: Local action with a global mindset. Collaborating with organizations worldwide can scale up our efforts.

- Public Policy Influence: Words turn into actions when they influence policy. Let’s aim for that.

- Technology Utilization: From mobile apps that teach skills to platforms that connect job opportunities to women, technology is our ally.

The Women Who Inspire Me

A shoutout to women who break barriers and set examples.

Everyone expects me to answer Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and all others but I take inspiration from small business owners and people who come strong from painful pasts & the list is long but the message is clear.

They prove that no matter where you come from, your voice and actions can shake the world.

Getting Personal: The Family That Raised Me

I was raised in a household where gender was never a barometer for what one could achieve.

Thanks to my family, ‘impossible’ was a word that never existed in my dictionary.

Whether it was my mom, who ran her own business, or my dad, who was an equal partner in every sense, they set the stage for what was to come.

Into the Future: A Sneak Peek

So, what’s in the pipeline?

Podcasts and web series featuring the unheard stories of incredible women.

And a bigger, better platform that offers not just resources, but a community for women to grow and thrive.

I am also exploring the idea of a women-focused investment fund. Think of it as venture capital with a heart.

The road ahead is long and full of opportunities for growth, mistakes, and learnings. But that’s the beauty of it all.

Are you as excited as I am to travel this path together? Because, trust me, we’re going to shake things up like never before!

Making Space for Men in the Women Empowerment Conversation

Hold on a second. Let’s talk about the role of men in this empowerment journey.

Are men allies or spectators? I vote for allies.

Including men in the discourse is not diluting the cause; it’s strengthening it.

Men can be ambassadors for change within their own circles, advocating for equity in ways that might be more immediately heard.

The Empowerment Playlist: Music that Moves Me

Do you have a go-to playlist that uplifts you instantly?

From Beyoncé’s “Run the World (Girls)” to Aretha Franklin’s “Respect,” music has the power to uplift and inspire.

Think of it as sonic empowerment — a rhythm, a beat that syncs with your goals and aspirations.

Digital Real Estate: Owning Your Presence Online

In this age of the internet, your online persona is your second identity.

For me, anonymity doesn’t mean invisibility. I’m very much present, just without a face to the name.

Be it through articles, social media campaigns, or digital meetups, my voice echoes in every byte.

Entrepreneurship Tips for Aspiring Businesswomen

To all the aspiring entrepreneurs reading this, I’ve got some nuggets of wisdom:

- Start Small, Think Big: Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.

- Learn to Pivot: Flexibility is not a weakness; it’s a survival tactic.

  • Build a Strong Team: A one-woman show sounds great but isn’t practical. Surround yourself with talent and enthusiasm.
Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

Nurturing the Next Generation

Empowerment should start young.

Let’s talk school workshops, self-defense classes, coding camps for girls, and more.

These early initiatives not only equip them with essential life skills but also instill a sense of self-worth and autonomy.

Getting Down to the ‘Self’ in Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish; it’s self-preservation.

Whether it’s a spa day, journaling, or just binge-watching your favorite series — take time to recharge.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Making Everyday Women’s Day

Why wait for International Women’s Day to celebrate women?

Every day presents an opportunity to uplift, to applaud, and to make a difference.

Remember, empowerment isn’t a seasonal campaign; it’s a daily mission.

Why This Blog Exists

So, why did I decide to start this blog amidst a sea of countless others?

Because each blog, each post, each word can be a catalyst for change.

This is not just my story. It’s the narrative of every woman who has dared to dream, every individual who believes in the power of equality.

The Anonymous Reveal: Will It Ever Happen?

The big question — is Mary Smith ever going to reveal her true identity?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The question is, does it matter?

Or is it more important that the work gets done, that lives get changed, that the world becomes a little better each day?

The mask doesn’t make the movement; the movement makes the mask.

So, here’s to many more blog posts, many more initiatives, and a lot more empowerment for everyone, everywhere.

It’s not the end; it’s just the beginning. And the best part is, you’re part of this incredible journey too. Are you ready to change the world with me?

When Fashion Meets Empowerment: A Stylish Revolution

Ever thought about how fashion can be a form of self-expression and empowerment?

From “We Should All Be Feminists” t-shirts to supporting brands that are inclusive and ethical, fashion can be a strong statement.

I personally adore designers who break away from the norms, embracing sizes, ethnicities, and genders in their lines.

Fashion isn’t just about what’s on you; it’s about what’s in you.

Exploring the Globe: Empowerment Through Travel

As someone who has homes in different parts of the world, I can’t stress enough the value of travel for empowerment.

New cultures, new experiences, new perspectives — they enrich you in ways unimaginable.

Whether it’s a solo journey or a retreat with your tribe, pack your bags whenever you can.

Trust me, the world is the best classroom you’ll ever find.

Self-Care is a Must! Never say No to this … Period!

Self-care is a non-negotiable aspect of empowerment, one that I take very seriously.

In fact, I recently flew all the way from the USA to Dubai just to consult with the best dermatologist in Dubai.


Because taking time to focus on my well-being is an investment that pays dividends in all other areas of my life.

When you’re in your best shape — physically, emotionally, and mentally — you are better equipped to tackle the challenges that come your way.

And let’s not underestimate the boost in confidence that comes from looking and feeling your best.

So, I strongly encourage everyone, especially women who are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, to prioritize self-care. It’s not just a luxury; it’s a necessity.

The Intersectionality of Empowerment: Beyond Gender

Empowerment isn’t a one-size-fits-all equation.

Race, religion, socioeconomic status — these factors can’t be ignored.

My vision aims to create an inclusive environment where everyone has a seat at the table.

Diversity is not just a buzzword; it’s a responsibility.

The ‘Green’ in Empowerment: Sustainability and Equality

Ever thought about the intersection between environmental sustainability and women’s empowerment?

Well, it’s worth thinking about.

Women often bear the brunt of environmental degradation. Offering them green skills, like sustainable farming, can be a game-changer.

Plus, protecting Mother Earth is a cause we should all rally behind, don’t you agree?

The Gratitude Journal: Why and How

One of the personal habits that keep me grounded is maintaining a gratitude journal.

Every day, jotting down what I’m thankful for reminds me of my journey and fuels my aspirations.

It’s a simple practice, but the impact? Tremendous.

Skill-building Platforms: The Future of Empowerment

We’ve got the internet, people. Let’s use it for more than memes and viral videos.

I envision creating online courses aimed at skill-building.

Graphic design, digital marketing, coding — the sky’s the limit.

An empowered woman is an educated woman.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Empowerment Through Art and Media

Visual storytelling, documentary filmmaking, art installations — the potential for empowerment through creative mediums is massive.

Art transcends barriers and touches hearts.

My dream project? A global art exhibition that showcases stories of resilience and triumph.

Closing Thoughts: The Uncharted Path Ahead

We’ve covered a lot, haven’t we? But trust me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The path to empowerment is as varied and expansive as the women it aims to uplift.

It’s fraught with challenges but lined with opportunities.

And you know what they say about uncharted paths — they’re the ones worth walking on.

So, are you with me on this extraordinary journey? Because together, we aren’t just sharing stories or tips; we’re sharing a vision — a vision of equality, respect, and boundless potential.

Let’s make it happen, one empowered step at a time.

Crypto and Empowerment: A Perfect Match?

Have you ever wondered about the role of cryptocurrency in women’s empowerment?

Blockchain is not just a tech buzzword; it’s a tool for SCAMS.

Don’t get fooled by all the videos and training people want to provide.

Please stay Away.

Please stay Away.

It’s SCAM.

Please don’t let me repeat this.

The Food Connection: Nourishment for the Body and Soul

Yes, even food plays a role in our empowerment journey.

There’s something incredibly liberating about being able to cook your own meals and nourish your body.

And it’s not just about cooking — knowing what’s on your plate, where it comes from, and its impact on your health and the planet is empowering in its own right.

So, what’s cooking in your empowerment kitchen?

Pets as Pillars of Emotional Support

Did I mention I’m a pet parent?

Our furry friends offer more than companionship; they provide unconditional emotional support.

They remind us of the simple joys in life and the importance of being present.

In a world that’s constantly pushing us, they pull us back to what’s truly important — love and care.

Launching ‘EmpowerHER’: A Social Enterprise

As part of my ongoing endeavors, there’s something new in the pipeline — a social enterprise named ‘EmpowerHER’ (Name changed)

Think of it as a one-stop-shop for women entrepreneurs, offering them resources, mentorship, and even microloans to kickstart their businesses.

Because entrepreneurship should not be a luxury; it should be accessible to all.

How to be a Part of the Movement: Call to Action

We’ve talked about so much, but let’s get down to action, shall we?

- Subscribe to this blog and stay updated.

- Engage in conversations around empowerment in your community.

- Join us in our upcoming webinars and digital campaigns.

Every voice counts, and yours could be the one that tips the scale.

Looking Back to Move Forward: The Importance of History

We stand on the shoulders of giants — women who fought for the rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

From historical figures to unsung heroes, these are the stories we need to remember and honor.

It’s a tribute to the past, a lesson for today, and an inspiration for tomorrow.

What’s Next? The Roadmap for the Future

So where are we headed from here?

Expect more in-depth articles, interviews with trailblazers in various fields, and perhaps even a podcast series!

And always remember, the roadmap for the future is not set in stone; it’s a sketch, subject to changes, additions, and, most importantly, your contributions.

Final Words: The Journey Continues

Phew! We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?

If you’ve made it this far, I want you to know that this is just the beginning.

Whether you’re a reader, a follower, or someone who stumbled across this blog by chance, you’re now part of this empowering journey.

So, ready to make history with me? Because, trust me, this story is far from over.

No-Budget Business Ideas for Women Empowerment: Kickstart Your Mission Today

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

1. Online Webinars and Workshops

- Use free video conferencing tools to conduct workshops on skills like writing, coding, or personal finance management.

2. Virtual Book Club

- Pick books that focus on women’s stories or empowerment themes, and host a monthly discussion via Zoom or Google Meet.

3. Peer Mentorship Program

- Create a digital space where experienced professionals can offer advice and guidance to newcomers. This requires just your time and expertise.

4. Empowerment Podcast

- Use free podcast hosting platforms to start conversations with guests who are making strides in gender equality, women in tech, and other relevant topics.

5. Blogging

- Platforms like WordPress offer free versions where you can begin writing about women’s issues, career advice, or motivational posts.

6. Social Media Campaigns

- Use your existing social media platforms to start hashtag movements or awareness campaigns. No budget, just a strong message and a network willing to share it.

7. Skill Swap Platform

- Create an online community where women can exchange services. For example, a graphic designer can offer her services to a content writer and vice versa.

8. Crowdsourced Projects

- Start a project that can be built by the community. Whether it’s a blog, an app, or a database, make it open-source and collaborative.

9. Virtual Networking Events

- Host virtual meet-ups to connect like-minded women. Use free event platforms and social media for promotions.

10. Resource Repository

- Create a Google Drive folder packed with free ebooks, articles, research papers, and courses that can help women grow in their personal and professional lives.

11. Online Support Groups

- Use platforms like Discord or Slack to create safe spaces for women to discuss issues they are facing, whether in the workplace or at home.

12. Storytelling Sessions

- Share stories of ordinary women doing extraordinary things via Instagram Live or YouTube. Use their stories to inspire others.

13. Micro-Tasks Outsourcing

- Use your network to match women who are good at specific tasks, like editing or web design, with those in need of these services.

14. Community Volunteering

- Organize local clean-up drives, reading sessions, or basic coding workshops. Use community spaces that are free to use.

15. Awareness Surveys and Reports

- Conduct online surveys about workplace discrimination, domestic abuse, or educational barriers and publish the findings. It can help bring attention to important issues.

16. DIY Craft and Upcycling Tips

- Share free online tutorials on how to convert everyday items into something useful or decorative, encouraging sustainability.

17. Affirmation and Mindfulness Apps

- Use free app development platforms to create simple affirmation or mindfulness apps to boost mental health.

18. Virtual Exercise Groups

- Organize free morning yoga or meditation sessions via Zoom. Create a sense of community while promoting physical well-being.

19. Freelancing Tips and Tricks

- Share your insights and advice on how to start a freelance career from scratch. This is particularly useful for women looking to re-enter the workforce.

20. Digital Magazine

- Use platforms like Issuu to create a free digital magazine that features stories, interviews, and articles focused on women’s empowerment.

With a zero-budget approach, you can initiate change right where you are, using what you have. So, what’s stopping you?

Maximizing Social Media: A Tool for Change

If you’re on a zero-budget, then social media is your best friend for spreading the word.

Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are more than just networking spaces; they’re platforms for advocacy and education.

Create graphics with bite-sized empowerment quotes or facts, and share them.

Run Instagram polls or Twitter threads to involve your audience in discussions about gender equality, body positivity, or mental health.

Never underestimate the ripple effect one tweet or post can make.

Utilizing Free Software and Tools: Empowerment on a Budget

There’s a plethora of free tools out there that can streamline your mission.

Asana or Trello for project management.

Canva for designing eye-catching graphics.

And let’s not forget Google Suite for pretty much everything else — documents, spreadsheets, forms, you name it.

So, who said you need big bucks to make a big impact?

The Power of Collaboration: Strength in Unity

Two minds are better than one, especially when the cause is as significant as women’s empowerment.

Partner with like-minded individuals or organizations to multiply your impact.

Whether it’s co-hosting a webinar or collaborating on a social media campaign, the union makes the mission stronger and the reach wider.

Local Community Involvement: Start Where You Are

Your immediate community is a fertile ground for change, and it requires no budget to tap into.

Speak at local events, visit schools for awareness sessions, or organize community service activities.

Not only does this bring attention to the cause, but it also helps in creating a local support network.

Barter System: A Forgotten Yet Useful Approach

Remember the skill swap platform idea? Expand that into a larger barter system.

Trade services or goods without the exchange of money.

A graphic designer can get content writing services in exchange for designing a website, perhaps?

It’s a win-win situation and requires zero investment.

The Importance of Testimonials: Let Success Speak

Once you have some momentum and a few success stories, ask the women you’ve empowered to share their stories.

These testimonials can be shared on social media or included in newsletters.

The best part? It’s not just an endorsement of your mission, but also a source of inspiration for others.

Upskilling: A Long-Term Investment

If you possess a skill, share it.

Conduct free courses or workshops, virtually or within your community.

The idea is to equip women with the skills they need to secure better opportunities.

Your expertise could be the stepping stone someone needs to break the cycle of disempowerment.

The Human Library: Share Untold Stories

Create an online space where women can share their stories anonymously.

Sometimes, people just need to be heard. And listening can be an incredibly empowering act.

Not just for the one sharing the story but also for the one listening to it.

Be Your Own Publicist: Leverage PR

Who says you need a high-end PR agency to get noticed?

Use free press release distribution services or directly email journalists who cover women’s issues.

If your work is impactful, it will get the attention it deserves.

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Closing Note: The Power of Zero-Budget Empowerment

You see, a zero-budget doesn’t mean zero impact.

With the right mindset, creativity, and the leverage of available resources, you can make waves.

So, what are you waiting for?

Isn’t it time we all became a part of this beautiful, necessary revolution?



Mary Smith

Anonymous Women Empowerment Influencer | Serial Business Owner | Dubai | USA | Australia | Explorer