The mindfulness behind Assisted Graphics Engineering Toolset for GLSL in WebGL.

Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)
2 min readAug 29, 2019


With this article, I would love to have a call for dialogue for your way of composing GLSL.

Thank you so much for coming into my article.

I would like to list out all the thought process I went through to do my own software re-invention and coding practice.

Personally Speaking, coding practice to me is the most amazing thing for my healing for depression and self-expression outlet. I get to be myself and ignore all those judgement without context, which is rude and carcinogenic to my happiness in life.

Man, I love my TUNNEL VISION when I do coding practice. It’s my own JUDGEMENT Free Zone that others cannot butt in.

Let’s GO!

The Assisted Graphics Engineering Toolset (A.G.E.) is actually my old concept called ShaderNode. It’s basically a node based remixer for GLSL in a function tree…

The original reasons to make Shader Node….

  1. GLSL is hard to Guess the Output with just code.
  2. GLSL is new to a lot of Web / JS Developers. a Modular System may help things out.
  3. At the early stage of GLSL market, it is quite hard to debug because all you got is a Blank Screen when there’s a small bug. But fortunately, thanks to Three.JS’s error debug line system. It’s easier now to debug. But there’s always space for improvement for everything in life.
  4. Normal Setup don’t have live update for GLSL per keystroke. You may rely on third party plugin of chrome or use fire fox debugger.
  5. Setup GLSL execution isn’t as easy as a simple web page visit.
  6. Execution Isolation for debugging and for basic profiling, when we disconnect the module, it wont be executed or even included into execution environment.
  7. DataType for Arguments / IO of Module. Avoids typing mistake of argument type.

Thank you so much for reading this article.

I would like to discuss the following:

  1. How do you write glsl? do you use any software to assist the development porocess of glsl?
  2. What’s your creative process for developing GLSL?
  3. What do you think I should try to code / explore the possibility of development experience.

Thank you so much for joining the dialogue.




Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)

Walking Aphorism. Dreamer Doer. Love all win. Faith to win Nobel Prizes. Perpetuate Peace with Tech. Patch Broken Instinct Vessel