What is WebGL?

Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)
1 min readJul 25, 2018


WebGL stands for Web Graphics Library. WebGL is meant for being used to build 3D experiences on the web.

For example, I helped k2.digital and NIKE 3D to build their 3D Web Game as Marketing Campaign Website.

I love 3D stuff a lot, like video games when I was little. I like visual effect the most within 3D games.

So I learned basic WebGL Raw API Calls to learn more about basic 3D stuff.

Here’s a basic intro for you to know more about how WebGL works.

Here’s the Journey of programming WebGL with RAW APIs without library.

(To make it easy to understand, a lot of complicated parts are being omitted at the beginning)

  1. JavaScript Prepares Vertex Coordinates for the triangle.
  2. JavaScript uploads to Graphic Processing Unit (a chip on your phone)
  3. Vertex Shader (calculates the final vertex coordinates, can be used to make motion of particles)
  4. Fragment Shader (calculates the final colouring of a particle or a pixel on the triangle surface)
  5. 2D Pixels are displayed on the screen.

Hope this introduction can help you understand how 3D content on the web is produced.

Feel free to ask me questions in my community.

Have a nice day!
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Best wishes,
Lok Lok from Hong Kong.



Wong Lok 黃樂 (LokLok)

Walking Aphorism. Dreamer Doer. Love all win. Faith to win Nobel Prizes. Perpetuate Peace with Tech. Patch Broken Instinct Vessel