Liz Smith
1 min readAug 13, 2017


When I re-read this (after bristling through most of it the first time) I think this is what put it into context. I didn’t recognize much of what you said and I wondered why…but I think that fundamentally I’m not traditionally feminine and my partner perhaps isn’t a “masculine man”. We both I think have a mixture of traits, which is perhaps why this sort of dynamic wouldn’t work for us.

That said, if that dynamic works better for some relationships, if you do feel you resonate more with traditionally feminine energy and are attracted to masculine men, then if it’s not harming anyone…well do what works for you. I think the issue is when all women are expected to behave a certain way to please a man’s ideal, whether in relationships or in other areas of life. Or indeed the other way around.



Liz Smith

Writing about all things mental health and well-being. Therapist. Loves a self experiment. Embarking on a 365 days of yoga challenge.