Eliah B
2 min readMay 6, 2018


God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whosever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life*. God so loved you that He gave His Son as a sacrifice so you could have life and have it more abundantly. God still loves you so much and His Son’s payment for you is still valid. It still holds true every day. You are very much loved. More than you will ever know. Today remember that whatever is happening in your life, you are so loved that God gave His Son for you so your life would get better. You might be going through a mess right now but Jesus’ sacrifice will turn your situation around. It is all done. It is taken care of!

What you need to do is change the way you look at things and embrace what the Lord did for you. Embrace that your worst nightmare will not last. Embrace that you are going to wake up from this difficult night and the sun is going to shine again. Embrace the sunshine before you can see it. Embrace the sunshine while you are in the dark. There is a glimmer of hope that will become a huge ray of sun that will keep you warm and that will lift up your spirits. God so loved you that He gave all He had so you could have all you need!

It’s not always obvious to see that we will not perish. To perish means to suffer ruin or destruction. It also means to suffer death suddenly or violently. The enemy loves to attack us suddenly and violently and to give us the feeling that hope is dying and peace is dead. You are not a perishable good. You have been bought at the highest price ever. Your redemption is here. You will not perish. The Lord put a stop to the sad destiny that could have been yours. He replaced it with blessings. Keep in mind that you are going to make it no matter what the enemy is feeding your mind.

The abundant life that is yours today is a life where God’s blessings outweigh difficulties and tribulations. Trials will happen but the abundant life provides good things that will make you forget them. Hold on to that truth. God so loved you that He supplied a way out of every problem and every chaotic situation. Things are going to get better. The Lord’s love will win. Keep the faith. Stay encouraged. Nothing can change God’s love for you!

Suggested reading: *John 3:16; John 6:40; Romans 5:8

Eliah B

Writing about God, love, acceptance, faith and encouragement