What makes a good job?

4 min readSep 1, 2015

It’s a simple question that our new campaign called Workshift: Good Jobs For All has been asking American workers across the country. And their answers might surprise you.

As it turns out, most Americans aren’t looking for a free ride. Or to be paid an exorbitant amount of cash for little effort. Or stop working altogether.

What they’re really looking for is a job that works for them as well as they work for it. A good job that is rooted in four basic values: Stability, Opportunity, Flexibility and Pride.

Armed with this info, we’ve traveled around the country — from NYC to Des Moines — with an interactive “Good Jobs for All” installation asking Americans to share why these values in a job are important to them.

Here’s what Americans had to say:

Stability: “Feeling safe that you will have an income to plan for the future.” Flexibility: “Peace of mind when the unknown happens.”
Opportunity: “The chance of growth and progress in your company.”
“Feeling good about your contribution.”


to know our bills are paid and our livelihoods are secure

“Permanent peace of mind”

“Because my mom didn’t have a retirement account and she is struggling to save before she retires”


to care for our loved ones and tackle the unexpected

“Being able to be at home most of the time raising my girls and having a career that has enables me to do that. I have had that with 2 careers!”

“Paid maternity leave!”

“I can WFH (work from home) once a week for peace and quiet”
“To travel and spend time with people I love”

“Having freedom and autonomy”

“Flexibility means I work to live, not live to work.”

“People should be able to take a vacation without getting fired!”


to grow our skills and build towards a brighter future

“So there’s always the chance to do something more with your career”

“If there is no room to progress, there is no room for improvement”

“Taking chances”


to be respected for your work and contribute to something greater

“It’s important to believe in and be proud of what you do.”

“Pride means so much to me so I sacrifice flexibility and stability to do what I love”

Workshift is dedicated to building an America where all jobs are good jobs. What does a good job mean for you? Join the conversation online through Labor Day to share your vision for good jobs using the hashtag #GoodJobsForAll.

