UFO in the New Age: Encounters, Transition, and Awakening

Discover early UFO contactee experiences, such as Alice Bryant’s encounter with the Angel of the Dark and Orfeo Angelucci’s celestial interactions.

World Of Mystery
4 min read2 days ago

This is an Angel of the Dark who has come to New Age writer Alice Bryant several times, stating that he is the “Angel of the Divine Plan.” In this portrait, she is enormous, nearly three stories tall, with dark and matte feathers and iridescent tips. Her wings are wrapped around her like a cloak, and she wears a wooden bird mask with a long, sharp beak.

She wipes out all the emotions and fears that hinder spiritual growth. Her face becomes a bird mask, symbolically connecting her with the vulture, which takes away the carrion and the eagle, soaring in the light. That is an agenda of cleaning up the shadow side and perfecting it.

One of the most interesting early contactees was Orfeo Angelucci, born in 1912 and died in 1993. His experiences established him as relatively unique compared to most of his contemporaries. Even the most skeptical judged him to be sincere. From their perspective, he was a religious visionary about flying saucers, not a cynical opportunist riding the public's gullibility.
The first contact with Angelucci occurred on May 24, 1952…



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