SAM: The Virtual Politician Pioneering AI in New Zealand Politics

World A.i News
2 min readAug 10, 2023


In the realm of politics, where human emotions, biases, and agendas often take center stage, the emergence of SAM, the world’s first virtual politician from New Zealand, marks a significant shift in how we perceive leadership and decision-making. But who is SAM, and what does its existence mean for the future of politics? Let’s dive in.

The Genesis of SAM

SAM was the brainchild of Nick Gerritsen, a 49-year-old entrepreneur from New Zealand. Unveiled in 2022, SAM was designed with the intent to provide data-driven solutions to political issues, free from the biases and personal interests that often plague human politicians.

How Does SAM Work?

At its core, SAM is a sophisticated AI system that processes vast amounts of data to generate responses to public queries. By analyzing historical data, current events, and user inputs, SAM provides insights and potential solutions to pressing issues. Unlike traditional politicians, SAM’s “decisions” are based on data and algorithms, aiming for objectivity and the greater good.

The Promise of Objective Decision Making

One of the most significant advantages of a virtual politician like SAM is the promise of unbiased decision-making. Without personal emotions, affiliations, or agendas, SAM can, in theory, make decisions that are in the best interest of the majority. This objectivity could lead to more equitable policies and a shift from short-term political gains to long-term societal benefits.

Challenges and Concerns

While the idea of an AI politician is intriguing, it’s not without its challenges:

  1. Ethical Considerations: Who programs SAM? And how do we ensure that the underlying algorithms are free from biases?
  2. Public Trust: Can the public trust a machine with decision-making, especially in matters of national importance?
  3. Accountability: If SAM’s decisions lead to unforeseen negative consequences, who is held accountable?

The Future of AI in Politics

SAM’s introduction to the political arena opens the door to a future where AI could play a more significant role in governance. While it’s unlikely that AI will replace human politicians entirely, tools like SAM could serve as advisors, providing data-driven insights to assist human leaders in making informed decisions.


The emergence of SAM in New Zealand’s political landscape is a testament to the country’s innovative spirit and willingness to explore uncharted territories. While the idea of a virtual politician might seem futuristic, it prompts essential questions about the role of AI in governance and decision-making. As technology continues to evolve, the intersection of AI and politics will undoubtedly offer both challenges and opportunities, reshaping the way we think about leadership in the digital age.

