Keeping my best companion 

Meet Issac and his surprising closest friend 

4 min readJul 7, 2014

By Yolanda Dsane

During a recent e-reader launch in the town of Adeiso (Ghana), Worldreader, the organization that I work for whose mission is to bring digital books to every child and her family, recognized four former students (one girl and three boys) for their excellent performance in the subjects of English and Social Studies. The award? Their own Kindle loaded with thousands of digital books.

I took the time to interview the former Worldreader students and one of them stood out: Isaac Koomson. I asked him the following questions and was blown away by his response.

My life has never been the same since I encountered Worldreader. The use of the e-reader has impacted my educational life in so many ways, including my social life and my economical life. Talking about the social aspects of my life, I have been able to associate myself with a lot of people who initially I didn’t even have the courage to speak to. Now I have this boldness to stand in public to give a speech or share my opinion concerning a particular subject matter.

Out of the hundreds of books that I’ve read, I discovered that winners never quit and quitters never win and that as long as you have the knowledge, you will be able to reach the peak in the mountain of life. This has been my motto that has guided me in all I do.

When it comes to the economic aspect of my life, I have been able to read so many books than I ever imagined in my life! This has opened my mind and exposed me to many of the good things the world has to offer. In the many books I have read, I learnt that before I can climb the educational ladder to the apex of life, I must be able to organize myself well by ensuring that I will not be stagnated by a particular thing but rather I must manage myself well so that I will be able to achieve my dreams. Things have been very difficult for me since I finished High School. I have financial restraints and as a result, I cannot get any funding to continue my university. But this has not brought me off the tracks of being a medical doctor. I refuse to be deterred by this! As a result, I look for small jobs that get me a little money and very soon, I’d have saved enough to continue my education.

I remember very well when Worldreader came to my school. We were indeed blessed to have them and benefit from their wonderful projects. I first saw the Kindle when I was in first year of high school. The class had to be spilt so that one part could be part of the program. I was fortunate enough to be part of that group.

But when I completed senior high school (SHS), I became very sad because I had to part with my best companion. But I knew deep inside me that one day, someway somehow, I’d reunite with it.

I realized I wasn’t very far from that truth when I was informed that I was going to be awarded by Worldreader. With my e-reader now, there is this greater joy in my heart that mere words cannot explain!

If I were to tell you all the benefits I have derived from this powerful electronic reading device, I can confidently say that is thanks to it, I have the ability to speak the English language fluently, read well, have a great command over the queen’s language, mastery over my vocabulary and not forgetting the fact that I now also love to write.

My greatest thanks to Worldreader for making an impact in my life with the introduction of this powerful device called the electronic reader!

Isaac lives in Adeiso, Ghana with his mother, three siblings and six nieces and nephews. He is the oldest child in the family and since his dad passed away, has taken a father figure role. He starts the day with reading a verse or a favorite line in a book.

Last thing I asked him: “What is one characteristic that is common in your family?”

He answered “Our smiles! Everyone loves to show some teeth. It is what keeps us going even when things get rough!”




We're a global non-profit on a mission to bring digital books to every child and her family, so that they can improve their lives.