Stop and Smell the Roses

Write Her Stories
3 min readJun 28, 2018


“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace”

“There’s always a glimmer in those who have been through the dark” -Atticus

“Change is inevitable, growth is optional”

Hello world,

As our days become longer and the weather becomes warmer, we have more time to think. Summer days are one of my favorites for a reason. First, there is more sunshine throughout the next few months. If you are in any way similar to me, I thrive on the sun. Once the sunset hits… my body shuts down. Yes, I know, I’m like a grandma.

While everyone else is taking summer vacations and enjoying the weather, I am continuously planning my next moves. My mind is constantly meticulously organizing my next steps for the future. The future is scary. It is unknown and as humans we are trained to plan everything ahead of time to reduce any collateral damage. Efficiency is a priority and if any time is wasted we are left wondering what the hell happened.

Recently, my friends have been telling me to slow down and that I need to stop and smell the roses. Except I never see any roses nearby to smell. Plus, allergy season is in full force and ready to attack victims like me. So, smelling roses means taking time away from getting to your destination and goals.

But, let’s take a step back.

Living in the Moment

You see all these social media posts and aesthetically pleasing Pinterest quotes about living in the moment. Taking risks and trying new things is what people strive for. Without experiencing new adventures, how can we have an epic story to tell people?

You make it up, duh.

I’m not saying everyone makes up stories for people to tell, but what is a good adventure story without a little spark of interest.

We idolize people who do take those risks and highlighting their adventures everyday. Envying the thrill and traveling to new places is typical.

I hear people complaining about how they are stuck in the same place surrounded by the same type of people. I usually just nod and let them continue ranting, but I had to take a hard look at myself.

Why don’t we actually do something about it?

Being More than Just Safe

Comfort zones are comfortable for a reason. It is familiar. It is safe. It displays zero risk. But, how can you expect to live a self-fulfilling life by planning your life away? I have been continuously hammered with questions and demands of my next steps in life. But now, I am not afraid to say “I don’t know yet.”

Life doesn’t come with an already planned timeline. If it did, we wouldn’t be worrying so much about what to do next. The future is unpredictable, but the choices we make dictate the different pathways we can take. Just don’t forget to stop and smell those damn roses on the side of the street.

Live everyday to the fullest.

I’ll be here experiencing new adventures with you.



Write Her Stories

Sharing the untold stories of extraordinary people for those who are willing to listen.