Romance Prompts to Get Words on Your Screen

Amanda Rose Rebello
2 min readJul 23, 2017


Every once in a while when I’m struggling to write, or I need a break from my work in progress I spend a little time searching for a writing prompt or two to get me going. I’ve complied a few of my recent favorites here. Let me know where you take them!

1. Put your reader into the pain of this heartbreak. Make them feel it and ache. Or take them on a wild ride where your MC is eagerly anticipating the crash and burn.

2. What better day for it to end on? Is the whole world ending? Just you MC’s world? Take it where you will.

3. I don’t know about you but I’m a sucker for twisted love. Is this the end of a love story? Or are they just climbing aboard this roller coaster?

4. Sad love. Missed opportunity. Or maybe a new start. There’s options here.

5. You have to love a good sweet, sappy story now and then too don’t you? They can’t all be tragedies, or can they?

6. Is it broken and they’re trying to fix it? Is this the start of something new? Is a demon trying to come back to the good guy’s team?



Amanda Rose Rebello

Sometimes a writer. Typically a romantic. Occasionally a cynic. Likes flowers, pretty things, guns and getting dirty.