I Am in a Season of Change and Growth

Today, I start a new job.

Elizabeth Joyce


I have my first shift today as a library clerk!

You all know I love libraries. I’m pretty excited.

Elizabeth Joyce; Instagram Stories

I am in a season of change and growth.

My role at home is shifting as my kids are now all teenagers — my twins turned 13 a few months ago and my oldest just got his driver’s learning permit.

My days of volunteering in the elementary school are long gone. And the demand for shuttling kids back and forth for all their extra-curricular and social activities is about to diminish greatly.

While I still have grand aspirations for my writing, I’ve found myself with some newly freed up time and the ability to help us reach our long-term goals.

And, when I thought of what I wanted to do with that opportunity, the only idea that filled me with excitement instead of dread was working at a library.

So, I started periodically checking for openings at nearby libraries and when a position opened up for a part-time clerk at our local library, I applied.

I had to overcome so much anxiety to get through the interview and testing process. But, not only did I get through it, I did well.

