Reminder: You Don’t Have To Do It All This Holiday Season

2020 is the perfect year to pare down

Elizabeth Joyce


photo via Thought Catalog on Unsplash

If there is one thing I think we can all agree on, right now, it is that none of us needs any more stress.

Unfortunately, over the years, the ever-increasing demands and expectations of the holiday season have become yet another source of stress for too many of us.

Let me just stop here and say: If you are someone who finds joy in doing all the things each holiday season, by all means, do them. This message is not meant for you.

However, if you are one of the thousands of readers for which my 2018 essay, You Don’t Need To Do It All This Holiday Season, resonated, you know exactly the sort of stress I am talking about.

That essay was syndicated and featured across ten different websites over the past two holiday seasons. Its popularity is a testament to how many people needed to hear: “You do not need to maintain traditions which no longer bring you joy. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed for months, it is time to let…

